Saturday, September 17, 2011

West Caribbean Cruise - George Town, Grand Cayman (Blog 6 of 11)

Freedom of The Seas ported at George Town, Grand Cayman at 8am on the 5th cruise day.  I'm sure George Town is a nice place but too bad that we had an excursion from 8am 'til 2:30pm, and the last boarding call was at 3:15pm, so we didn't have a chance to explore the town.  Surprisingly this place wasn't as hot as Labadee and Falmouth.  Well, I'm sure I will revisit this place again in future!  =)

 Good morning Grand Cayman~~

 Our ship didn't dock at the pier because the water was too shallow.  We needed to get to the land by these boats.

 We got onto these boats from deck 1.

 It's a beautiful day to start with.

 Here is another shot at the ship.

 We were the first round getting off the ship 'coz our excursion started at 8:15am.

 Hi Carnival!!  This ship left the port on the same day as ours and here it is!  (Not sure if that's the same ship though...)

 Here is our Freedom of The Seas.

 Here is another shot.

 A shot at the Carnival Conquest.

 We were getting close to the shore.

 Here is the pier.

 There were 2 ships today at Grand Cayman.

 Here is another shot at the town.

 Local bar

 My excursion of the day: Stingray, dolphin & turtle encounters & Tiki beach.

 We get on a bus right away and headed to another pier.

 More local bars

 Street view.  It's like another Falmouth but nicer...

 Taking a picture of the bus's mirror...

 More street views in town.

 This is like a small road inland.

 Turning right here heading to Resort Sports Ltd.

 Here is another pier.

 We got on the boat and headed to Stingray City.

 I think this is the northern side of the town.  It's quiet and nice.

 This is our captain.


 It's a nice day out there, not hot at all.

 30 Minutes boat ride, the water is still very shallow in the middle of no where.

 And it's very clear too!!

 ......Don't tell me this is the the middle of the sea?!


Here is Stingray City!  In the middle of no where and people started getting off the boat.  The water is very shallow here, around 1 meter deep that's it.

 The size of these stingrays are huge!

 Yet, they are friendly and they never bite or long as you don't piss them off.  The crew threw some food into the water to attract them swimming over.

 We can even hold them to take pictures.  Just catch them by lifting them up that's it.  It sounds easy but hard to do....  The guy holding a stingray in the picture is our captain.

 Those 3 lines at it's back are bones.  It's hard and bumpy.  Their skin is a bit slimy and it feels like sand paper.'s like a slimy sheet with a few bumps.  Haha!

 However, their belly is sooooo smooth!!  No bumps at all!  Their tail is very bony and I didn't dare to touch it's sting...

 These creatures are not afraid of human, they just swim among us hoping to get food from us.

 There was another boat at the site with us.

 Some people aren't afraid of these rays and they are willing to hold them up for pictures.

 Some fish accompanied the rays and this is one of them.

 It's really hard to take picture of them...

 Its hard to sink myself into the water, hold my breath and take these picture!

 It's very lucky if they are this close to me.

 This is my new blanket right here! LOL!

 They swim among us.  As long as you don't step on them, you will be fine.

 Here is another type of fish that swim with the rays.

 An empty shell sitting on the sand.

 I think this is a baby ray and it's tail is cut off?!

 Another boat arrived joining us.

 It's just within a certain area that the water is shallow, and beyond a point the water is getting deep.

 It's really hard to see these rays unless we submerge into the water.

 More of these weird looking fish.

 Someone was trying to grab the ray, but honestly, it's kinda hard to catch them.

 Time to go, we are leaving the site.

Saw a lizard as we got off the boat.  We were told that there are a lot of iguanas around the island but we see none except this one.

 We visited the turtle farm afterwards.

 Dot, the female turtle weighted at 215 lbs.

 These sea turtles are really huge, and I think there are over 200 turtles in this pool.

 ...And there are so many Dot...

 This is a baby turtle, about 3 months old.  As they grow older, their shell will change to a lighter color.

They have very nice pattern on their shell.  As they grow older, their shell will develop algae and moss....won't be this cute anymore!

 These turtles are about 6-7 years old.  You can catch and hold them to take pictures.  These turtles are very's really painful when they flap on you.  I was holding a turtle so close to my face for picture and it nearly flap off my contact lens!

 There are so many different pools in this turtle farm and each turtle is keep in these pools according to their size and age.

 These ones are really huge and you can touch them.  They are just too heavy to be lifted up.

 This is the main turtle pool and there are over 200 turtles lives here.

 A sandy area where female turtles to lay eggs.

 A turtle trying to get to the other side of the pool.

mins that's all.  The guide rushed us to the other side of the building, the dolphin discovery.

 Tropical tree

 Yah.....coconut tree again!  =)

You can see a lot of 'run-floor-chicken' running around!  =)

 Dolphin discovery is just right across from the turtle farm.

 There are 3 pools in this facility.

 ...And you play with the dolphins here.  Too bad that they don't allow photo shoots, so that's all the pictures I've taken in Dolphins Discovery.  I got a chance to touch the dolphin, well, it wasn't as smooth as I though.  It feels like a fine grain sandpaper.  =)

 We headed to Tiki Beach next and passed by Hell! ....Thanks for bringing me to Hell~

 Hurricane emergency shelter...I'm glad Katia the hurricane wasn't hitting the Caribbean during my stay there...

  7 miles long Tiki beach.  We were here for only 45 minutes...

 This is the lounge.

White sand, blue can't find this in Toronto...

 Our ship is right there at the end of the beach.

 You can play in the water but you can't really swim here 'coz reefs are everywhere.

 Looking out at the Caribbean sea, this is so relaxing!

 Since this other camera I'm using is water proof, I'm gonna play hard on it!  =)

 Have to make sure the lens part is spotless first before taking pictures...  Mmm.....

 These reefs are everywhere under the water.

 Fish swim around you and they are everywhere!  It's just they're mostly tiny ones.

 I dump the camera in the sand and took this picture.

 A tropical crab.

 A shot facing the sky beneath the water.

 It's kinda wavy in the water and I can't get the shot that I want.

 More reefs.

 Sand, sea, sky...

That's me~  =)

 Heading back to town.

 Here is the pier.

 Effy, one of the must visit jewelery store in Grand Cayman, they give out free 1/2 ct gemstone pendant!!

 Local vendors selling souvenirs.

 It's really a pity that I didn't have time to explore the town...

 Pirates of the Caribbean!  LOL!

 Huge line up here waiting to be boarded.

This ship looks like a pirate ship too!

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