Saturday, September 3, 2011

Crayfish Molted Again...

Sept 2, my electric blue crayfish has molted again!  He has molted twice in less than a month and wonder if this is normal...  I expect him to molt every two months or a little less than that, 'coz I know the more he molts, the shorter lifespan he has.  I didn't take out his molted shell for picture this time, I just left it on a leaf and took pictures as is that's it.  His size seems to have grown a bit, and I wonder what's the maximum size he can grow up to.

 The molted shell is still so alien to me even though I've seen it several times.

 I bet you my crayfish is wondering what I'm doing with his molted shell!

 I've adjusted the position of the molted shell for better picturing.

 I forced him to get on the leaf so that I can take picture of him and his molted shell.

 Here is another angle of the picture.

My crayfish and his molted shell.  You can see his body size has increased.

 This green is a brussel sprout leaf, which my crayfish likes to hide underneath it.

Sometimes he takes the leaf as food too.

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