Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sony Vs. Fuji

I bought this Fujifilm XP20 recently 'coz it was on sale, besides, it has the waterproof function which I need for my up coming vacation.  I took several pictures with this Fuji and compared them to my Sony.  Well, I'm a bit disappointed with it's quality, especially with those in-house or food pictures.  ....Rather than saying 'a bit disappointed', it's actually unacceptable!!  I will see how it performs for out door pictures.  Worse scenario, I'll just refund it.

 This is my new Fujifilm XP camera - water/shock/dust/freeze proof....but I only need the waterproof that's it...

 Sony Cuber-shot 8.1 MP, which I've been using for over 5 years!

 FUJIFILM: picture is soooooo yellowish!!  I was only setting it to the auto mode, nothing else.

 SONY: Color is more real and the fish scale is more clear than the Fujifilm.

 FUJIFILM: It has the motion sensor mode or something like that, which captures things that are moving.

 FUJIFILM: From a distance, fish are pretty clear in the picture, which for sure my Sony can't do this (in the auto mode).

 FUJIFILM: However, the color of the picture is very yellow, which I don't know how to fix it and this is something I certainly can't accept!

 FUJIFILM: Here is a picture of another tank of fish.  Faces of each fish is pretty clear, this camera can capture the movement easily I guess.

 FUJIFILM:  A closer shot at these fish, which is doing well too, and it's not so yellow here.

 SONY:  This camera can't capture movement (to me...)  Look at the Torpedo and the Congos, so fuzzy!

 SONY: everything is clear but the fish!!  They were swimming so slow already and Sony just can't take moving pictures.

 SONY:  I've tried so many times and it's still not helping...

 FUJIFILM:  Holy shit!  I took this snap of my crayfish and the auto mode comes with the 'flesh'!

 FUJIFILM: Out of my expectation, this is pretty clear and nice, but honestly, I don't like taking pictures with flesh...

 FUJIFILM: Here is the a picture that I switched off the flesh.  As you can see, it becomes dark and fuzzy immediately.

 SONY:  I must have put my camera so close when I took this picture.  It was kinda out focus. also the crayfish was dark and fuzzy.

 SONY:  The one I took it with force flesh I guess, make thing worse...

 FUIJFILM: Pizza!  One of my favorite food!  The pizza was kinda yellowish with the Fujifilm camera.

 FUJIFILM: I set this to the auto mode without doing other thing and it automatically 'flesh' it!!  Geez!

 SONY:  Looks almost the same as the Fujifilm except it's not as yellow as it is.

 SONY: I like adding extra toppings like onion and garlic to the frozen pizza when I'm eating it~~  =)

 FUJIFILM: Outdoor.  This camera detects this is a view and it auto set it to the Landscape mode.

 SONY: I used the auto mode and took the picture as is.

 FUJIFILM: It auto detects whatever I'm trying to take and change it to the appropriate mode itself.  In this case it has auto set it to macro.

SONY: Taking this picture at the same distance, I can only snap 4 jars using the auto mode, while Fujifilm auto detects the mode as macro and allows me to snap 6 jars in a roll.

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