Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cheddar Bay Biscuits (Experiment)

Cheddar bay biscuit is an appetizer which Red Lobster serves when dining there.  Mom has never tried these Red Lobsters biscuits before but since she got a request to do it, here it is and she has made this from scratch.  This is just Mom's experiment, and it tastes totally different from Red Lobters'.  I've tried making this using baking mix too,  my texture was quite close but it tastes totally different (I've added too much butter~) .  Mom, we will bring you to Red Lobsters one day so that you can try their biscuits and make them for us again!  =D

2 1/2   cups all-purpose flour                                   1        tablespoon baking powder
2        teaspoons sugar                                            1/2     teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4     teaspoon salt                                                 1/2     teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1/2     teaspoon garlic powder                                 1/2     cup butter, softened
1 1/4   cups grated cheddar cheese                        1/2     cup sour cream
1 1/4   cups milk

6        tablespoons butter, melted                            1        teaspoon garlic powder
1        teaspoon parsley                                           Dash   of salt

 Grate the cheddar cheese first.


 In a food processor, mix all dry ingredients together including butter.


Add grated cheddar cheese to the mixture.

 Add sour cream (full fat) and milk.

 Slightly fold them together....

 ...until all ingredients are roughly mixed (don't over-fold the mixture).

 Scoop the mixture with an ice-cream scoop...

 ....and place it in a baking pan.

 Like this.

 In another bowl, melt butter, stir in garlic powder, parsley, and a dash of salt.

 Brush each biscuit with the butter mixture.

 Bake at 450°F for 25 minutes. (Preheat the oven first)

 I think it's a bit over baked...

 When it's almost done, take it out...

 ...and brush it with the remaining melted butter.  Put the biscuits back into the oven and bake it for another 5 mins or so.


 Um...looks a bit burnt and moist compared to those at Red Lobster.

 This is what it looks like in the middle.

Biscuits is dried and um...a bit 'chewy', not salty enough.  Tasted totally different from Red Lobsters.  This is Mom's first experiment, she said she will try doing this again next time.


  1. Don't worry and be happy. I will try my best next time.


  2. Red Lobster's Cheddar Bay Biscuits Recipe is like KFC's...Trade Secret, it may not be the best but we all try to reproduce, may be our ingredients missing something we won't dare to add?

    Mom keep trying may be you can beat them.


  3. I feel relieved a lot more now. MJ, thank you for your encouragement and support.


  4. Mom, 多謝妳為我整嘅 biscuits. 十八砵話味道唔同 Red Lobsters, 不過賣相非常好. 雖然冇機會品嚐, 但睇見都流口水. 會照做一次睇吓效果點, 無論如何再次多謝妳.


  5. 18boots, please bring your mom to Red Lobsters regardless. :)

