Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring 春眠不覺曉

Spring is finally here after all!! Yay!!  Sprouts are everywhere, and I took this opportunity to take some pictures of the greens before they're fully grown.  I didn't go too far to get these pictures, mostly from my Mom's backyard or somewhere nearby that's all.  Some pictures are easy to take, like I just stood in front of a tree and snap; other ones I needed to walked into a 'grassland' to do it...I was surrounded by all sorts of insects and bugs...  Honestly, that freaks me out!!  @@

Tulip sprouts.  Brown & green, a very big contrast here.

I think this is another kind of tulip sprouts?!  Found these at Mom's garden.

I forgot what kind of flower this is, but I found this at Mom's garden as well.

Fresh greens emerged from the ground.

Tulips again I think?!

Buds, found this from the little garden nearby.

Here is another shot at the bud.

Buds again, but its not green yet...

I don't know what kind of flower this is, but it looks like dried and dead already.  I wanna get a closer shot at this thing here but I can't reach the tree...

Grass sprouts are everywhere, just pay attention to what's around you in the wild and you will see them.  =)

This flower is dried and dead, but it still looks cool huh?!

Took this shot from a pine tree.  I didn't dare to get any closer 'coz I'm afraid a spider will jump out from no where....

This must be some sort of dried flowers from last year.

I wonder what they look like when they're 'fresh'!!

Here is another shot at the same plant, all dried and dead.

Bend down, look close and you will see life everywhere.

Not only sprouts you see...spiders, bugs, flies are everywhere too!!  That's enough, I'm leaving this 'grassland'!!

Pine buds, that's how I call it.

Greens, took this shot from underneath a tree.

Buds from some sort of bushes near Mom's place.

Tulips again.

This one I know:  Autumn Joy!!  =D

Leek flower from last year.

Another specie of pine bud.

Tell me what you see here.  Do you see a pine cone or a spider??!  This spider freaks me out while I was focusing on the pine cone!!  As soon as I saw it, I screamed at the top of my lungs!!  I won't get any closer than this...neh uh!!

This bastard was wandering outside Mom's garden looking for food.

The main purpose of me posting this picture here is not because of the aeroplane...  See those two grey dots in the picture?  It must be something stuck inside of my camera lens.  I cleaned it up with alcohol and things got worse...  I got 7 dots now!!  What should I do?  =(

Most of the above pictures were taken on or before March 18. 

 These ones here were taken on March 22.   Just a few days later and leafs started to grow.

 Here is another shot at the green from another tree.

 Bird nest, you won't be able to see it when all leafs are out.

 These few pictures were taken on March 20 while I was on my way to work.

 Its a foggy day....

Yeah...only if I know where I'm going....


  1. 卒之有時間經過噏兩句。



    1. 謝謝你所介紹的連結!放心,連結在這裏不會被刪除的!哈哈~

  2. 18砵, 未講點解有dot dot前; 想請問妳部係乜嘢相機?

    1. Sony DSC-N1 應該係呢部...

    2. Dan 哥,聽講好似係Sony DSC-N1

    3. Sony DSC-N1 唔係單鏡機; 咁都好啲, 我驚妳傻到用火酒抹鏡頭入面. 妳睇清楚原本嗰兩粒塵係咪响鏡入面, 如果係喺入面就好難清走, 因為普通人入唔到鏡後清理, 只有返廠做, 但唔值得. 其實呢兩粒塵唔會成日見到, 只係當妳 focus 到某一個 focal length 先明顯, 其餘嘅距離係睇唔到, 只有接受.

      當妳用火酒抹鏡頭後多咗五粒塵; 咁妳再睇一睇係咪多咗塵粒响鏡面, 可能妳係用綿花棒之類抹, 咁就唔惦喇, 因為綿花棒有綿粒, 加埋火酒, 咁就污染咗塊 lense. 鏡頭盡量都唔用手接觸, 如果係有塵就用風吹(唔係用口吹, 係用壓縮氣吹, 相機店有賣), 如果鏡面表面有污積就應該用鏡頭紙慢慢抹.

      用火酒抹相機係大忌, 因為火酒有渾發/腐蝕性, 不宜抹相機, 抹鏡頭更差, 因為鏡頭好多時有 coating, 比妳抹一抹可以 write off.

      如果塵粒嚴重影響相片質素, 提提妳老公妳幾時生日.

  3. Possbile dust found its way into the camera and landed on the sensor. Right? Mr Dan? You may not have enough experience to take the camera apart to clean sensor.

    1. 那幾點東西似是'霧點'多於塵...?? 我開機見到個lens時就會見到啲點點。如果唔用zoom,啲點點就見唔到,但一用zoom啲點點就出哂嚟!

    2. Also,啲點點係喺嗰lens入面嘅,點clean嘟clean唔到!

    3. Dan has explained it's more noticeable at zoom to certain spot. If the dust spots are not on the front of len, most likely they are behind the len or on the image sensor itself.

    4. To take the camera apart is not difficult, to clean the lens, sensor and other components inside is not easy, possible create more dust and damage than fix, looks like you have to bear with it unless you want to sacrifice for a try.=(

    5. 白痴機唔預你拆開清潔, 唔同單鏡機. 如果鏡後面有塵, 普通人好難清潔到. MJ 你講得冇錯, 拆開部白痴機唔難, 但要清潔個 lens 或者 sensor 唔係一般人做到, 肯定拆開清潔後即時要去買生日禮物比自己.

  4. The first question I asked was if the camera is SLR, but Sony DSC-N1 is not. The chance of getting dust on sensor is very common for SLR but not 白痴機.

    Dust can easily land on the sensor for SLR camera every time when we change lense. Fortunately we can clean the dust for SLR camera with air (most of the time). It is not a big deal to have dust on SLR, eventhough we don't like to see it. But, we accept this is part of the life using SLR. It costs about $100 to clean the sensor by professional but I usually just ignor it. After cleaning, you'll never know when will next dust land on the sensor again. Nothing is perfect unless you have tons of money to spend. Like I said, the dust mark only show at certain focal distance.

  5. 尾2個張相好陰森啊..=0=""

    前幾個星期睇完你2個kim's Ichiban review己經好想去食, 不過一直未有機會!

    今晚就要去食!!!! yay! 好似好好味咁啊 >v<


    1. 我諗緊叫幾多呢.
      我見你個1st review有medium sushi tray & medium sashimi tray
      你同你老公分1個M sushi tray & 1個M sashimi tray啊??!


    2. 嗰兩個 M-tray 嘅份量其實兩個人係食唔哂㗎~ Kim's Ichiban 嘟算唔錯嘅,多年冇去,希望水準冇跌啦~~ ^^

    3. 哦.你個2nd review話你可以食哂個M sushi tray 你老公就可以食哂成個M sashimi tray.

      我重擔心 啊要買幾多好呢..=.=""

