Monday, March 5, 2012

Water Chestnut Pudding 馬蹄糕

Debating: shall I do this post in Chinese or English, or mix?!  =D  Will do it in English this time.  Mom has been trying to make this water chestnut putting 馬蹄糕 for at least 4 times with different brands of water chestnut starch.  The result has disappointed her each time, either the texture of the pudding got issues, or the smell of the starch stinks.  Finally she has found a perfect brand of water chestnut starch and she has made this pudding with satisfaction.  I'm posting her master piece here!  =)

 Mom's water chestnut pudding, looks good, taste great and its texture is gummy.  A very successful pudding.

 This is her recipe, she got it from her friend Gladys.  Water chestnut starch - 11oz; water chestnuts - 11oz (peel & diced); rock sugar - 1 lb 2 oz; oil - 1 tbsp; water - 1/2 cups.

These are the steps, I will translate this into English below.

I like taking shots like this, so....bare with me!!  LOL!

Water chestnuts

Peel and dice.

This is what a box of water chestnut starch looks like.  Note, this brand is from Pan Tang 泮塘.  Mom said DO NOT BUY THIS BRAND!!  It has a bad pig smell and the starch didn't combine together.

This brand is from Chi Kong 岐江 (Chi Kong, using a Cantonese spelling too!).  After testing different brands for so many times, Mom said this is the best brand so far.  So, BUY THIS BRAND!

11oz of water chestnuts starch...

...Mix with 1 1/2 cups of water first (use a big bowl).

Stir well and leave it aside for now.

In a saucepan, melt 1 lb 2 oz rock sugar with the remaining 5 cups of water.  Bring it to boil.

Once its boiled, add 1 tbsp of oil to it and stir in all diced water chestnuts.

Bring it to boil.

Almost there...

Once its boiled, pour the water chestnut syrup into the starch mixture and stir.

Keep stirring (fast) and the mixture will then thicken.  If you get this, you aren't there yet, keep stirring!

 Mom has used an egg whisk here to stir, so stir 'till your egg whisk can't move anymore, then the mixture is done.

The mixture might get a bit thicker but that's fine.

Pour it into a steam pan.

Here is Mom' bamboo steamer.

Steam for 30 minutes...

...Until the pudding is transparent.

Here is a closer shot at the pudding.

This is what it looks inside.  It's still sort of white in the middle...should have steamed for an additional 15 minutes, totalling 45 minutes.  This pudding is still completely cooked, its just the color that's all.

Done!  Serve warm! =)

Taking a shot under the light, pretty transparent.  =D

Okay, there are two different water chestnut puddings here.  The color of the bottom one is very transparent (this is what it should look like) while the top one is very cloudy.

Reason being is, the bottom one is made from this brand Chi Kong 岐江.  Texture came out being very gummy (Q 口彈牙).

Yet, this white cloudy pudding was made from the brand Pan Tang 泮塘.  Mom said starch was not forming together and the mixture remained very 'watery'.  Color is not right, texture is soggy and it smells bad...  Anyway, don't buy this brand!!


  1. Smells like a pigsty.


  2. Thank you for posting that. It is good to let everybody know which is the right brand to choose. It makes a HUGE difference.


  3. 請問有冇人可以答我以下問題.

    點解有時用錫紙鋪住個焗盤焗嘢, 例如焗雞, 豬, 等等, 焗完之後個焗盤有油. 啲油點可以經錫紙流到焗盤?


  4. Dan,那是因為錫紙沒有完全把焗盤完全封好,又或者當你翻動食物時骨頭與錫紙磨擦而做成不察覺的小孔,又若果你用焗肉架 (roast rack)的話,架與錫紙的接觸面會更容易做成破損,而油是比水更容易滲過小孔的,嘗試用雙層錫紙保險肯定可以改善。


  5. I am not a big fan of waterchestnut pudding, but I want to know which grocery store carries the Chi Kong brand waterchestnut starch, I like to use it for other purposes.


    1. 豐泰,鼎泰,鴻泰,好景。


    2. 其實馬蹄粉有冇可能自己生產, 馬蹄可以市面買得到, 而馬蹄粉呢種原材料如果可以自己造到; 馬蹄糕質量方面有保證.


  6. 本來廣州泮塘馬蹄粉是我的首選,不知可時變質,我懷疑是假貨。做出來的東西全部都是湖口的。激氣!弄到我把全部東西扔到垃圾桶裏!


    1. 如果以前用嘅泮塘馬蹄粉係首選, 而今次質素受到懷疑, 我會再到另外一家超市再買一盒粉作比較, 唔想為一次買到假貨而放棄用真貨機會.


    2. 我已試了好幾次。給了很多機會。 而我的朋友已找了一年多,又是老樣。我們已放棄用泮塘馬蹄粉了。


  7. 泮塘馬蹄粉一直是廚師推介首選,但呢個包裝極有可能是假貸,上網查過泮塘馬蹄粉有250克、500克甚至一公斤惟獨沒有227克的包裝,但包裝印刷極相似,不過祖國乜都可以做假實在難講。


