Sunday, July 24, 2011


I can see sunset from my balcony as you may know.  I didn't realize how beautiful it is because I always close my blinds during sunset.  Light beams through my balcony into my living room and brings in the heat, which it raises the temperature here and I don't like it, so I have to close all blinds to keep my place cool.

I took these 'continuous' shots at home one day .  I have to go out to my balcony from time to time to catch the prefect moment.

It's quite amazing to myself that these pictures have those 'ball-shallow' above the sun, which they just appear in a coincident I guess?!

Almost there...

The sun is all gone now.

Here is a picture taken at around 9:30pm several days ago.


  1. Just curious, west direction without any tall buildings. Is this somewhere west of Yonge?

  2. Bingo!! It's pretty much on Yonge facing west. =)
