Friday, July 1, 2011

Have You Ever Seen My Yoyo Sleep?

The first time when I saw how my Yoyo sleep, I thought he was dead!  Scared me!!  He laid flat at the bottom of the tank, motionless...  However, when I walked closer and looked at him, he flipped and starred at me, and swam away!  Geez!!  What an attitude fish!  Taking pictures of him when he is sleeping is hard 'coz he is very alert.  I cannot sit too close to the tank, indeed, I need to sit on the floor and pretend that I'm watching TV but peak at him, then I raised my full arm, eyes still focus on the TV, and zoom in my camera to get the shot!  So challenging...

See!!  Doesn't he looks dead to you?!  I can't zoom in any more as this will 'wakes' him up...  Taking shots like this is pretty hard since I only got 1 okay picture out of 10 shots.  Next to my Yoyo on the right is my flying fox.  At least the flying fox here just sat there and didn't play dead!

 It's a bit blurry but at least the shot is a lot closer than the previous one.  He is getting more hilarious...  Have you ever seen a fish using a stone as a pillow and rest it's head on it??!

I took this picture on another day and again, he was sleeping.  But he was not laying as flat as he used to because he slept between rocks and there were support for his rear! 

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