Saturday, July 14, 2012

Night It Up - Night Market, Markham 2012

Once a year I go to 'Night It Up' and take random pictures, this event is all about food and entertainments.  This is my second year visiting and like the previous year, this place is always packed, crowded and jammed!   Parking spot is extremely hard to find, I had to park across the street at Future Shop and walked over to the site.  Also, extremely long line ups for food (lucky that I wasn't planning to eat anything there), but its a very nice event though...  In my opinion, this is a lot better than Taste of Lawrence.  =)

Night It Up, here I come!!

 Ontario, yours to discover!!  See what else I can discover from Ontario!!

Crazy place!!  See how crowded this is place?!  They started at 7pm I was here at around 8pm...

No kidding!!  

 These food trucks look nice, and this is my first time seeing it this year.

 I think they serve mostly local food?!  Not sure.

 Thoughtful chippy, I wonder if they sell fish & chips??!

 Boiling hot oil, guess what they're deep frying!!

 Hehee....that's chicken steaks I guess.  Steaks looks small...??!

 Tako balls, I see a lot of vendors making tako balls this year....

 Here is the stage!

 Stinky tofu, see the line?!  I bet you need to line up for 30 mins at least to get the food!!

 I see this commercial on TV all the time, but I never try their sauce, not even at this sampling booth here.

 Grilled corn.  Always see this at taste of bla bla and taste of bla....but I never try it.

 Wei's smelly tofu again, see how many wok they've used here!!  Waaa......

 Looks good to me, but the queue is super long...

 Burnt squid tentacles.

 Um....I don't know what exactly they're selling here, but I guess you grab your own ingredients and pass it to the 'chef' and he will cook it for you right away?!

 Grill chicken wings.

 Pineapple and watermelon juice.  They can only play with pineapple and watermelon huh?!  Why not think about using a cantaloupe??!

Making tako balls again...  This booth's tako balls doesn't look appetizing...

 ....Or maybe I shouldn't jump the gun too soon??!

 Hunting for goldfish?!  I wanna play that too!  LOL!!

 First year seeing this Trojan booth here, giving out free condom samples for your lust and pleasure I guess?!  ....See how happy this girl is after taking pictures w/ those Trojans!  =)

 Asian snacks.

 Lamb skewers again?!!

 Yes I know!!  Skewers again!!

 Um...shredded & marinated pig ears with um...rice sheets??!

 Looks like they're mixing some sort of noodle here?!  No clue!

 Smoky skewers.

 Oyster pancake...doesn't look appetizing either.......

 Look at it!!  Do they usually have lettuce in it??!

 Eww........  Are they selling oyster pancakes or the sauce here??!

 Pan fried squid tentacles.  They just started cooking.

 Honey green tea....I wouldn't buy it has no ice in it!!!

 Massive production of pineapple juice!!

 These skewers look not bad, quite appetizing....

 Tako balls again...

 ....Three lonely watermelon juice here.  Look at the table, will you dare buying it?!

 This is the only booth doing grilled scallops and clams.

 These things take a long time to took, and the queue is long....  I just squeezed in to take a picture and go.

 Ohh!  They have oysters too huh!!

 Snow ice.  Looks good.

 I've spent quite some time looking at this thing while taking pictures.  I have no clue of what they are at all!!  Doesn't look like fish cakes, doesn't look like its a meat item to me...  Um....grilled bamboo sheets??!!

 Its hot and stuffy...and honestly, I wouldn't wanna be in his position...

 We have lamb, beef, chicken, quail eggs, shrimp, fish cake, sausage skewers, now here comes the mango skewer!!

 Tornado potato.  I wouldn't buy from them for sure!!!  Potato 'skewer' looks under fried, and the potato itself is so small!!

 ....This is a sad little drumstick!!  Look at it!!  Seems it taste good but its very bony!!

 Must be the Taiwan sausage!!  This booth is selling 'big sausage wrapping small sausage'.  I've ate this once many years ago but I've forgotten its taste already....

 Um.....deep skewer??!!  I remember there was a booth selling fried rice balls but I forgot if this is the booth or not.

 Waa.....whatever this is, I wouldn't eat it for sure!!!

 See these oysters here, that means Diana Seafood is around!

 I took a shot at their 'kitchen'....must be tough working in such an environment.

 Ice volcano, they have a two big nitrogen containers too!!  I wonder what they're selling here!!  This is the back of their booth, maybe their front is not attractive enough that's why I didn't take any pictures of it.

 Mother bear's smelly tofu.  You will see a long queue whenever you see a smelly tofu booth.

 .....I think at least they should cover it up....

 Grill chicken drums and skewers again.

 Getting crowded as night falls.

 More watermelon here for making watermelon juice.

 Assorted skewers that they're selling here.

 Um....looks like these are Jap style octopus topped with some um....seaweed salad??!   Sorry to say but it looks gross...

 Pop corn chicken (I think) and tako balls?!  It's all readily made, no wonder no one is buying...

 Special lobster ball, sounds attractive...

 Spicy assorted skewers.  Looks nice to me, um...sauce might be too thin??!

Here is the non spicy pot.

 Not sure if these are ready to eat or they still need to be cooked?!

 These 'chips' here have a very unique cut.  I saw these last year in a tray, but this year they've put them all in plastic bags.

 Here is a shot at one of the booth's kitchen.

 Pork luck for staff I guess?!  This is the fried rice which no one touch!!

 You can see which one is the most popular item here!!  LOL!!  Funny, none of them like eating plain rice, and they ain't touching fried rice either!!

 They have the mini basketball match here this year, which I don't remember seeing it last year.

 Volleyball!!  My favorite sport while I was in high school!  =P

 St. John's ambulance, they are always here for emergency needs.

 Wash rooms, these are only part of it.

 Water supply.

 It's getting dark....I was here for an hour or so I guess...rushing myself through these booths and taking pictures.

Time to go home!  =)


  1. 辛苦晒囉!估唔到你影得咁快又咁靚!好棒!


  2. I missed the Food Trucks!!!!!!!!!Cause I went at 9PM =_=

    I find the Event is more of a 趁虛 than eating, most stands are expansive ( I saw skewers up to $2.5 each)

    As for your lots of ingredients pic, it's 麻辣燙, it's similar to hot pot, very popular in china, cause it's fast and cheap, OLs favorite

    The Tako Balls are not bad, atleast the one i tried

    Oyster pancake, I for sure pass, as I know oyster is frozen, and for sure VERY 腥, I donno why people would even want to try it

    I doubt I will go next year, unless forced by my friends =_=

    The TW sausage is pretty good (as I am one of their customers since they sell them at YB periodically)

    1. I really should get an ID, kept forgetting to put my name in haha

