Saturday, May 19, 2012

Victoria Day Looooong Weekend

Victoria Day long weekend~!!  =)  It's like the beginning of summer and locals like doing gardening (except travelling) during this time.  I know some of you might not like flowers or plants, 'coz it's a girl thing nevertheless.  Yet, put it in this way:  go through my pics below and let me know how I can improve my photo shooting skills, like angles and positions...etc.  Don't talk about ISO, I have no clue of what that is!  I've spent almost 6 hours writing this post 'coz I got lots of interruption in between, so enjoy!  =)

 One single plant and their flowers are in three different colors, how neat!!

 Hosta, picture taken at my Mom' garden.

 I think I'm getting a better angle of taking pictures of this kind of flower after all.

 Needs improvement obviously!!

 I forgot the name of this plant in English, but I usually call it 椰菜!!Haha!!

 Or maybe its called 'kale'?!

 Snapdragons - 狗仔。

 Pansies, the most common flower found here in Spring.

 I forgot the name of this flower, I just know it has several colors and this is one of my favorite one.  PS, I shouldn't be using 16:9 mode to take this shot...right??!

 As you can see: carrots!

 There was a lady standing next to me looking at this flower, and I was able to snap a shot before she picked the pot!  Lucky!!

 Again, I shouldn't be using 16:9 mode to take this shot, right?!

 This kind of flower is hanging upside down.  I don't know its name, but it's kinda cool!  I took this shot in a nursery garden in Newmarket.

 I like the name of this plant:  Solomon's Seal.  =)

 ....Why the hell did I take this ugly pic??!

 One of my favorite plant, which this one is in pink.

 Marigold, you know what I call it as well??  雲耳!!LOL!!

 Don't know what kinda flower this is, it looks like a morning glory in odd color, I might be wrong.

 Wrong angle!!  But almost there!

 I don't know what kind of flower this is, but I guess I shouldn't be focusing my camera on the 2nd flower here?!

 ....Looks like a mess!!

 Common 野花?!

 Looks okay, but the image itself is not 'crisp' enough??! belongs to the Dalia family?!

 I guess this flower belongs to the Dalia family as well.

 This flower is green in color, I find it's kinda rare, so I took a picture of it.

 This thing is huge!!  Some sort of tropical flower I guess?!

 A closer shot at this huge weird flower.  Those plums look like 火龍果~  =D

 Assorted mini cactus.

 Some sort of 'grass', I was just simply playing with my camera.

 Forgot the name...forget it!

 花中花?!  That's neat!

 Forgot the name, but I took this picture at Loblaw's nursery.

 This looks more like 野草 than flower?!

 Don't ask, I forgot why I took a shot like this....

 Um....the sky is not blue enough this day to get the shot I want....and there are clouds too!!  No good!

 Tulips, I took this shot inside Loblaws.  It was the day before Mother's Day so there were lots of flowers in stock that day.

 People were lining up to buy flowers....

 Blue (dyed) chrysanthemum.

 I still remembered receiving something like this on my uni grad, which was like ___ years ago!!  LOL!!

 Oh yeah, people were lining up buying flowers....

 ....and I was busy taking pictures too!!  LOL!!

 This color combination looks 慘?!

 Green little chrysanthemum.

 This bouquet doesn't look good....

 Don't know what kind of flower this is....a 杜鵑 maybe?!

 English Daisy??!  Neh, doesn't look like it though!!

 Angle looks okay to me...but it's not vivid enough....

 I swear I will not be taking any more of this kind of flower again....

 Pine?!!  Right??!

 It's not every autumn yet, why are they selling that many 菊?!Mums right??!

 Love taking flower when they're wet with water drops recently...  =) least the sky is blue, which is something I am looking for, but the flower itself is not nice...  Picture no good...

 雞冠花, that's all I know.

 Ewwwwww......  Monkey tail??  Mom likes this flower and she asked me to take a shot of this.

 This flower looks like a 瀨尿蝦!Well, use some imagination if you don't see it in this way!

 Lily of the valley?!  Smells good but hard to keep!

 Here is another shot!

 Bla....I like these curls~  It belongs to 'an alien plant'...that's how I call it.

 The way of how this picture was taken is pretty close to what I'm expecting...  =)

Shooting this with peony will have a better result.  =)


  1. 在我眼中已覺得影得好靚,尤其是與我影的相比就更加唔使講。


    1. 咁你又唔好咁謙,有啲相你嘟影得好出眾嘅~~ =D

    2. 又擺我上枱? 我覺得拾捌砵影得唔錯, 一部傻瓜機都影到咁靚嘅相, 抵贊.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Dan哥,點敢擺你上枱,因為知你是高手,我自問無天份,影相毫無美感可言,唔識攞角度,就算最靚相機加埋長短火,我影出嚟一樣同傻瓜機無乜分別,同樣是死咕咕,好似影解剖圖咁。(我老婆大人都咁講),第二樣嘢我認叻絕對唔會面紅,影相嘛,都係留番俾妳同拾捌砵。

    5. MJ你部新相機玩成點? 想知道你部機有冇得調較光圈同快門. 景深有冇得較?

    6. 唯一分別就是由小傻瓜變成大傻瓜,仍然都係傻瓜!

    7. 如果閣下嘅目標係做傻瓜, 咁做成大傻瓜係一大躍進.

  2. WOW! Is that what you did? LOVE IT …It raised up my spirit. Your pics are dazzling, gorgeous, stunning, wonderful, alluring, superb, breath taking, lovely, elegant and delightful. Keep up the good job and thanks for sharing!


  3. 拾捌砵, 影相人唔可以唔講ISO, aperture, speed, 呢啲係影相基本知識. 就好似揸飛機唔講 altitude, wind speed, coordinate, 咁講乜嘢?

    我都鐘意影相, 希望同大家一齊研究吓. 我比較幸運, 因為我用SLR 機加上長短鏡, 影得唔好只有怪自己冇料.

    1. 要講 ISO 就慘嘞!我立即投降~!對住啲數目字已經夠慘,英文字母加埋啲數目字簡直係我死穴!!...仲要有時加啲點數上去...唔好耍我啦...!!

      請問 Dan 哥,ISO400 同埋 ISO64 嘅分別係咩?仲有,咩嘢係 OEV? AWB 又係咩? 800 F4.0 呢? 有時又會見到 30 F2.8 噃?! 我估啲 F2.8/F4.0 同 zoom 有關,但其他就估唔到嘞!啲 +0.3EV 同 -0.3EV 又係咩?最後兩條問題(暫時):咩嘢係 Mset Exposure?? 同埋咩嘢係 NR(有NR 1.3、1.6、1"... 等等)??

      見諒,個說明書睇極嘟睇唔明.... 睇到掟書嘟唔知佢講乜... ^^;

    2. 唔一次過講咁多嘞, 驚混淆妳視聽, 講幾樣非常非常基本而實用嘅大家研究吓.

      ISO, 以前叫ASA (菲林機時代), 係影像感光嘅靈敏度, 簡單嚟講 :
      ISO 冧巴愈細, 例如妳話 64, 100, 表示影像會比較清晰, 但要有好嘅光源, 通常日間都用 100 左右.
      ISO 冧巴愈大, 影像開始有noise, 但光源可以比較暗, 例如影室內但唔可以用閃燈.
      至於用幾多ISO就最好自己慢慢試, 如果日光日白用 ISO 100 做基礎, 影室內唔用閃燈, 將 ISO 加大, 睇吓乜嘢效果.

      800 F4.0
      800 應該係講緊快門速度, 1/800 second, 冧巴愈大速度愈快. 如果要影一個移動緊嘅物件, 例如行駛中嘅跑車, 飛緊嘅雀鳥, 咁用嘅速度就要快, 如果唔係出嚟嘅將會係一pat嘢, 由於快門速度快, 光源一定要夠, 如果唔係比你影到個影像都會好暗.

      F2.8, F4.0 係光圈, 即是好似人嘅瞳孔, 瞳孔愈大收光愈多, F 冧巴愈細瞳孔愈大.

      如果妳部機可以自己調較快門速度同光圈嘅話, 即是妳可以從影像清晰同光暗中間攞個平衡, 就如去餐館食嘢, 貴餐館好食, 平餐館唔好食, 咁想比幾多錢食幾好嘅嘢; 就要自己做決擇. 通常傻瓜機冇得揀, 佢話比妳聽食乜嘢, 總之食妳唔死, 但唔一定係妳所想.


    3. 多謝 Dan 哥教路。我的傻瓜機好像只能 manually 調教兩樣東西:'F' 和 'NR'。'F' 只有 2.8、4.0 和 8.0 選擇。 'NR'就好啲,雖然唔知係乜,但個 range 由沒有 " 去到有 " 這個標點! =D
