Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dog Ride

In rush posting this right now, I just got home not long ago and I have something else to do afterwards, so... Just a short post anyway. Went to Hamilton today, to see waterfalls actually. I've planned to visit 7 or 8 falls but I ended up going to 3 only, not enough time that's why...  Worse part: I couldn't find the restaurant that I wanna go and my GPS is not helping at all!!  Arrg!!  That specific restaurant is not really in Hamilton (as per the internet), its actually somewhere close-ER to Cambridge!!!  Shhhh...!!  PS, I hand picked a big bucket of nice pebbles from Ontario Lake today!!  Will post pics next time~   =D

Saw this while I was driving on the highway......  I mean...driving over 110km/hr......

HOLY!!  ......That poor Retriever nearly felt off the truck!!!  o_O!!!

I was trying to get really close to the truck so that my husband can take a picture for me!!  He purposely rolled down the window to do it too!!

I bet she knows she is on camera!!  =D

PPS, 本想打中文,但不夠時間!明天去 Doors Open Toronto,要做 research!張 168sushi 優惠券可在明報或星島找到,either one。 今天吃不到改天再去也不遲,人少啲不是更好! =)


  1. 上網睇睇先知 Hamilton 有 Capital of Waterfalls 之稱,拾捌砵幾時先有相睇呢?有時間都去影下相,上星期去 Stone House@ Burlington 都差唔多路。


    1. 這個 trip 只有時間去三個瀑布:Devil's Punch Bowl,Felker's Falls 和 Albion Falls。其中兩個我找不到路爬落去,只有 Albion 那個可以去到瀑布底,也有很多千層岩石片可以執。另外 Dundas 那邊也有著名的 Webster's Fall,Tew Fall 等等。這篇 waterfall 博文我今晚回去寫,明天就 post 這個吧!
