Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bird Feeding

We have lots of bread and bagels at home that we can't finish, so instead of tossing them away, we brought the left over to feed the birds.  Finding a 'bird' site in town is not easy, and I don't wanna to go too far...  Well, lucky that I know a place nearby where most birds rest there.  Taking picture of birds when they're flying aren't easy, I don't know how and where to focus, so everything is just 'snap and next'.  Out of nearly 80 pics I've taken, I've only posted some here...the rest?!  Neh, forget it!  =)

 Canadian geese are back, this mother has settled herself in a dangerous area...

 You won't know what I did to get her looking into my camera, sort of!  =D  Her partner, not too far from where I took this picture, was hissing at me!!  No good...

  We have left over bagels that we can't we've decided to feed these birds...

 Seagulls, pigeons, Canadian geese, they're all here!!

 You mostly see seagulls here 'coz pigeons were all being knocked off!  LOL!

 Okay, show time!!  =D

 It was pretty hard to get them fly, here is one that's flying but its too far...

 ...and too bad its not a sunny day!

 Getting ready to land...  Looks cool if this is an eagle....

 Here, you shouldn't be looking at the should be looking at the dots!!

 Picture was shot a bit too low...

 Hi.....I have your food in my hand~~  LOL!!

 Wonder how this picture will turn out if the sky is blue...  Mmmm.....

 Well, at least I can get the shot without needing to hold a french fries in my hand!!  LOL!!


 Can't your post be more elegant when you fly??

 Pole again...

 I was trying to focus on the birds, not the car....

 Barely make it!

Here is another shot.

He can't fly like the seagulls to get his food...there you go my dear~

Got more Canadian geese picture here:

 I ducked down and almost crawled over to take this pic...

 Getting too close to him, he is alert!

 As long as I don't stand up and scare him, he is fine...

 Annoyed, he walked away!!

 Sitting right behind his wife...

 I've never thought of taking the shot from her rear...

Kinda cute though!!  LOL!


  1. Beware the bird dropping, 18boot !!

  2. I know where。。。the sign says DO NOT FEED THE BIRDIES!。。Just kidding。。lol

  3. You can't test your camera like this. Your are required to have a tripod to lock the angle, slightly angle change will affect the light.

    The stone is volcano rock
