Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Big Al's Aquarium

(May 9: In rush!  Will post this one today! Bye!) Having fun at Big Al's aquarium again.  There are so many Big Al's in town and I like going to the one at Scarborough and Vaughan the most (I personally think the one at North York sucks).  As I've said, taking pictures of fish has always been a challenge to me but it's fun.  To me, the most difficult fish to take pictures of are small tiny fish (platy, guppy), convict and rainbow...etc.  Easiest fish to take pictures of are pleco (they don't move much), gold fish and salt water fish.  ...Will have more fun in the aquarium next time!  =)


This creature is huge, and its white!!  與在超市見到黑掹掹的那種有所不同!這是在同一個缸中的另一隻什麼飛龍!

Garpike.  I learnt this word 'gar' from an online game actually...thanks to FB!!  LOL!!

Pleco.  不知這種是否 Trinidad pleco.

Peacock Cichlid, but I don't know which kind it is.

Yoyo 的親戚~~  =D

Spotted pleco?  不知道牠真正的品種名稱...

Lyretail balloon molly.  這種波波本來想添幾條,雖然 lyretail 的很難得,但看樣子...不行!所以沒有買了。

My favorite: flower shrimps.  I used to have 2 but they all died!  =(

永遠都會對著你微笑的 parrot cichlid。這種魚很慘,常常被人染到五顏六色!!



Diamond Angelfish 鑽石神仙?!本來有想過養 marble 神仙,但想買的時候經已冇哂貨....too bad!

這條 Arowana 不像銀龍...看樣子好像高級一些...  是否紅龍?!

Look look look!!  It's eye is sparkling green in color!!  可是牠神情沮喪...



Feeding them with seaweed...  I wonder if I can use regular seaweed to feed my fish...


This must be a fan worm?!

If that's a fan worm, this must be a fan crab!  (Just joking!)  OKay...this might be a porcelain crab?  A crab with fan like appendages?!

Poor little Nemo, looking at his friend being eaten by the scavengers!  Eww......


So funny....a fish is hiding inside the sea urchin shell!

Too bad I don't have any salt water tank at home, if not I would have kept several of these shrimps here!




呢隻嘢耳仔豎起、眼凸凸、扁嘴兼生鬚~~~~  哈哈!


Giant hermit crab, that's the best I can do.

Gecko or lizard?!  Or that's the same thing?!

Green tree python.  I wonder how he rolled himself up like this!

Here is a closer shot.  Store associates spray the python with mist just to keep him moist I guess.

EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  @@

I bet you he is very sleepy!

Didn't get the name of this snake!

....Saw this decor in a lizard cage!!  LOL!!


Dwarf Rainbow Fish, $1.99 for two.  I got it from Big Al's.

Starving green spotted puffer, $3.88 each.  I didn't realize how flat their tummy is when I first got them.

A closer look at their spots.


  1. 講魚我就唔識, 但又講番影相. 有冇發覺有時影魚時清時唔清, 就係 off-focus, 因為傻瓜機係自動對焦, 部機自把自為, 對嘅焦未必係喺正條魚, 可能係魚旁邊嘅沙粒或水草, 所以呢响種情況下要改人手對焦, 唔可以用 auto-focus, 可惜傻瓜機做唔到manual-focus.

  2. 有時做人仲慘過隻蜆?何解,有個殼可以哩埋?


    1. 動、植物界通常都係雄性比雌性靚,人類除外:)

  3. 啊! 第1張相!!! 好似Axolotl啊! (
    我一直好想要一隻, 唔知係邊度買, 上次係中國人鋪見到有賣但係唔敢係佢地度買. 記唔記得你果度賣幾多$?!

    "琵琶蟹" 好似隻alien啊, 哈哈, 好搞笑呢.


  4. where did you see that Mexican Salamander by the way? which Big Al's? scarborough or vaughan?

