Sunday, October 30, 2011

Updates on Yoyo, My Attitude Fish

It's been 3 months now since I wrote a blog about my Yoyo.  Well, he is doing great - same old same old!  He remains at around 5 inches long and didn't grow any bigger in size, I guess he has reached his max length.  He has accustomed to me so whenever he sees me, he (sort of) follows me around and sometimes react with excitement!  That's a good sign!!  =)  He knows sometimes that I'm yapping at other naughty fish and out of curiosity, he will wander in front of me just to get my attention...

 Yoyo, I've been keeping him for over half a year now.  I once nearly put him up for adoption on a public site when I first got him not long ago.

 I used to be able to read the word 'Yoyoyo' from his black & white pattern on his body, but not anymore since he has grown to a full size...

 Yet, you can still try to play a 'maze game' through these patterns here!  LOL!!

 He looks into my camera wherever it moves...eyes always focus on it!

 ...and he gives me different posts for my shots...

 PS, look at his mouth!!  I'm telling you, he purposely posted this several times 'til I took the shot!!  Seriously!!  衰精!!  =)

 This male Amano shrimp was trying to get my attention by crawling right in front of me (they don't do that often).  OKay is his shot.

 Yoyo doesn't like it...he wants all my attention....

 Sometimes when little things trigger him, he hides inside the 'bushes'.  I told him to come forward, which he did...looking at me and seeing what I'm up to! is the same Amano shrimp that's been walking back and forth!

 You know what I like about this fish?  That letter 'S' on his forehead!  LOL!!!  My first name starts with 'S' too!!  =D

 Lucky day!  These tetras were so still and I was able to take a shot of them today.

 See...I was taking a picture of my shrimp and Yoyo doesn't like it...he pushes his way out through the bush, hoping to interrupt my shot...

 Here is my flying fox, which has reached its max length as well.  I started out with 6 and only 1 survive...

This log has become his favorite rest place, he always rest on it and look at me.


  1. YoYo,點解你額頭睇嚟睇去都係睇得到兩個字母?另外嗰個係Z呢還是打橫的N呢?<><>:(

    1. 我研究過,是打橫的N字!

      前嗰排佢鑿石仔搵嘢食,竟敢喺太歲頭上動土玩到鑿硼咗我個S字!!成'忽'唔見咗!我睇住佢(佢知我𥄫佢),佢喺道左閃右避仲呢埋添!!依家好番啲嘞,就喺我面前游嚟游去。 So cute~~ 但係好番嗰笪S字仍然硼咗啲... =(
