Saturday, October 1, 2011

Universal's Islands of Adventure, Florida

There are two theme parks at Universal Orlando Resort: Universal Studios Florida and Universal's Island of Adventure.  I've been to Universal Studios several years ago so this time I went to the Island of Adventure since they have the Harry Porter Theme Park that just opened last year.  =)  I didn't have to wait long time before getting on the rides which is a good thing.  On the other hand, most rides were unexpectedly short...well, they could have prolong the riding time a bit...

Arriving at Universal Orlando.  Yay~

We first passed by the Universal City Walk.

There are a lot of eatery in here.

Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville.  I was thinking of eating at this place but I've decided to try something else at the end.

Here is the map of the Universal City Walk.

There are a lot of things to do here.

Hard Rock Cafe

Here is where you enter the Universal Studios, Florida.  I still remembered taking picture in front of the globe many years ago.

A shot of the Universal City Walk

This side leads me to the Islands of Adventure.

Yay, my adventure begins here!

Souvenir shops

More souvenir shops.

Fruit stand

Different theme entertainments are surrounding this pond here.

Marvel super hero island.

These are lockers, first 1/2 hour is free and we have to pay after 30 mins.  We need to put our belongings here before riding the roller coaster.  This locker is so cool 'coz it assigns you a locker with a scan of your finger print.

This is the 'Incredible Hulk Coaster'.  With less than 15 min's wait, I got onto the ride.  Ride was thrill, extremely fast but short..I didn't have a chance to look at the view and it was over.  I felt I wanna throw up after the ride...maybe that's because I had a full breakfast before playing this... @@

Another shot at the Marvel Super Hero Island.

'The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man' was a 3-D thrill ride.  You need to put on a 3-D glasses during the ride.  It was fun and exciting, but short.  I had to line up for around 30 mins here, the ride was down for about 10 mins during our wait.

Spider Man...



Angry Birds

Street entertainment, these are the Marvel Super Heroes.


Spider Man.

People rushed to take pictures with these super heroes.

Wolverine.  Haha~~

Here is the all-time-favorite Spider Man again.

Doctor Doom's Fearfall - that's not fear at all!!  The fall didn't even last for 30 seconds!!!  Gees...

More street shots here.

I'm still in the Marvel Super Hero Island...

What a big banana!!  If I win that, I won't even know how I can bring that back to Canada!!

Toon Lagoon

No joke - Popeye and his girlfriend...

Well, I don't know this cartoon character but whoever inside this costume here must be 'hot die'!!  It's over 30 degrees here every day!!

Betty Boop

I like these cartoons here in Toon Lagoon.

Water splash everywhere, at least we can cool off a bit.

This is one of the eatery.

Popeye statute.

For sure...

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls - it's time to get soaked now!

Such a nice view huh!  And you ain't soaked yet at this point...

Here it comes!!  =D  The other two water rides were closed...or maybe I'm blind 'coz I walked around for two times and I can't find them...

Jurassic Park~

One of my favorite theme park 'coz I like dinosaurs.

Jurassic Park River Adventure, another raft ride that we can get soaked.  Here is the raft.


Here is a more 'Holy splash'!!

JP Discovery Center



Gem stones - pretended to be...


Smoked turkey legs.  They called these alien legs at Disney.  These legs are small and expensive...  I got a giant smoked turkey leg from Walmart at Vineland Rd. which only cost me $4.97!

Never thought that the pond here has fish!!!  These fish is larger than my palm.

Guess what this is!!  It's a light!!  Well, this light isn't as big as you see's just a small light...

Triceratop.  I didn't take the picture of it's head 'coz the reflection was strong and I couldn't see what I was shooting at...

One of the eatery in JP.

Raptor sign.

Looks cute.  =)

This is a full shot of the Hulk Coaster.  I took this from the other side of the theme park.

It's a nice sunny day here, but damned hot!

A shot at another theme: Seuss Landing

More shots of the Hulk Coaster.

Hulk Coaster and the Fearfall.

OKay, here comes the 'Wizarding World of Harry Potter'.

Side shot of the castle.

Entrance to the ride: Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

It's hard to take picture of the castle 'coz the sun is right above the castle...

I like this flying boar~~

Another shot of the castle.

The ride was thrill and awesome!!  Line up wasn't that bad, just 20-30 minutes I guess.  The ride was pretty long too, so it wasn't that bad after all.

You can do a castle tour too.  However, I'd prefer walking through the 'ride' line 'coz you got a chance to see more things...

Gosh, there were more things to see in the dark...

Part of the scene at 'Flight of the Hippogriff'.

Hippogriff ride was down....

Ride was closed and people had to get off...

This is the 'downtown area' of the Wizarding World.

Street performance.

More shots of the castle.

More shots of the street view in the Wizarding World area.

Fruit stand

It's so crowded here 'coz this area is newly opened and people stormed over to have a look.


Butter beer...sound gross...

Candy store
They have all sorts of desserts here too.

'Hogwarts Express'

I had the 'Dragon challenge' thrill ride...  Ride was fast, thrill but short.  I felt extremely dizzy afterwards and I didn't even go for the another one 'Triwizard Spirit Rally' which is just right next to this ride...

More shots of the street of Wizarding World.

Here is the entrance to this theme park, with a boar sign under the arch.

Here comes another theme park: The Lost Continent.

Here holds a stunt show which I didn't even have time to watch...


Pigeons are everywhere at this side of the theme park.

Griffin.  There weren't a lot of things to do and see here in The Lost Continent.

Here comes another theme park: Seuss Landing

This theme park is mostly for young kids...

...Very young kids....

Jelly beans, something I don't really like eating 'coz they stuck between your teeth...

Kit Kat!!  KING SIZE!!  Yum!!


Marshmallow lollipops

Traditional lollipops

Yummy looking sour apples


More street shots at Seuss Landing

Clouds were accumulating, we will be having a thunderstorm soon...


Icons were pretty cute...and I took a ride on this merrily go 'round with my husband!  LOL!

The Cat In The Ride, a ride for young kids....

Cats, Hats and Things....what things??!!

These 3 ducks aren't scare of people at all!!  If they were to live in Canada, they would have flew off when a human approach them...

 In fact, one of them were even walking towards me...

 They must have thought that I have food for them...

 Lizards EVERYWHERE!!!!

 Another eatery in the theme park.

 Flower that you can't find here in Toronto.

 ...$16 with a pearl inside an oyster?!  Com'on, these aren't natural pearls...  They plant a friggin obstacle inside the oyster and it does it's job...  That's a rip off!

 Another type of midways?!

 This theme park closes at 6pm and it's time to leave...

 Before you walk out of the gate, souvenir stores are everywhere.

 Magic sticks (From Harry Potter), each stick cost USD $30 plus tax!!  Man, this stick is heavy!

 Gryffindor key chain.

Souvenir cups

 sparkling balls.

 Mugs from Shrek.

 Bart Simpson key chain

 Halloween sweets.

 Souvenir cups.

 Assorted sour apples.  I wonder how it tastes like...

 More candy here...

 This store is selling Christmas ornaments.

 Ornaments from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

 M&M's!!  It will be awesome if I can have a tube of this!!  Any color will do!!  =D

 Souvenir coin machine.

Guess what this is!!  A washroom!!  Can't imagine washroom here can turn into a stylish building like this!! Mind you, there is also air conditioner in the washroom, cooler than most of the shops here!

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