Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sea World, Orlando

Sea World is always my favorite place to visit when I go to Florida.  There are two Sea World in the States that I know, one is located in San Diego and the other one is in Orlando.  This theme park is not so crowded 'coz it's been here for years and I guess visitors rather go to some newer theme parks.  Yet, I still love Sea World alot!  There are a lot of things to see here and it's a fun park!  I will definitely come back next time!  =)

Sea World here I come!!  Yay~~

So misty~

Here is the entrance

Shamu is greeting us at the gate house.

Souvenir pennies

These are the towels



They are extremely beautiful...

...But they stink badly...

A closer shot of the flamingo

Manta ride

This ride goes pretty slow compared to those in Island of adventure...but the ride time is a lot longer.

But this ride is extremely thrilling!!  You don't really 'sit' on the 'hang' from the ride and you're facing down during the ride!!

I was screaming at the top of my lungs!!

Forgot the name of this shellfish but this is a live fossil.

You will pass by this gigantic aquarium on your way to the Manta ride.

Cownose ray

I only see this type of ray in the local fish store.

....same as this one here...

Souvenir pennies machine are everywhere in Sea World.

I think this is a southern ray (this creature is so huge in size, you know what...this is my new blanket!  LOL!)

Look at it's mouth, like it's smiling!!  =)

Cownose ray.  Smile~~  =)

Star fish

Sea horse.

Another shot of the aquarium

Not too sure of what that school of fish is...sardines?!

Brown pelican, they're pretty big in size.

This sea turtle looks so dull...

Stingray Lagoon, a place where you can feed and touch the rays.

Most of the rays here are cownose rays, and there are only a few southern rays.  Cownose rays are very smooth and friendly, no sand paper feeling at all.

Here is the dolphin cove.  Pay a few bucks extra and you can touch and feed the dolphins.

These dolphins are so smart that they will lean back for people to touch.

They will play with you too!

Jump!!  They can't jump too high 'coz the water is very shallow.


Must be looking for food!


There are 22 dolphins here in Dolphin Cove.

...and they usually swim in a group...

Look, they always carry a smile on their face!  LOL!

Gators pond.   They stink!!

Their size are overall small.

Gators and the lizard~

Manatee Rescue was closed for rehab!  Damned!!

OKay, let's take some manatee pictures here then...

I wish I can see a real manatee...

Moonlight jellyfish

This is another type of jellyfish, which looks very toxic...

Moray eel

Another shot of the moonlight jellyfish

Some sort of giant fish...

Journey to Atlantis.  I didn't play this 'coz it's more likely you will get soaked for sure...

Here is the Penguin Encounter.

...Sponsored by Southwest airline.


They're too small and it's hard to see clearly.

So I only took a few photos here...

There are several types of penguins here, but I only know one:  emperor penguin

A worker trying to scoop some ice for them.

Emperor penguins

That brown fat penguin is a chick, once it has shredded all it's feather, it will look like one of the standing ones.

It's hard to take a shot while they're swimming.

Those 4 emperor penguins are marching...

Keep walking!

We went to the sea lion & otter stadium to watch a show afterwards.

Wa......that sea lion can really stand up tall!

So cute~

Feeding time!

 These sea lions are really smart!

??!!  Don't know what this is, but it looks giant!

Compared to the sea lions, that creature in the middle is a real giant!

Egret!  Can't believe I learnt the name of this bird from a Facebook game...

This sea lion here is crying for food!

She is looking for food too!!

No body is feeding!

These birds here are trying to steal the fish that we feed the sea lions.

A closer shot of the sea lion.

This one is doing all sorts of things to get feed!

Not sure what kind of bird this is but it looks ugly...

A cute looking seal

No body is feeding the seal 'coz it's not doing anything to get it's prize!

Here is the whale and dolphin theater

Dolphin and the trainer

 Well, it's not too hard to take a shot at the dolphin while they're in the air after all.

I guess there are all bottlenose dolphins?!

There are two dolphins pushing the trainer under the water.

More shows.

This is a whale...'s just I'm not too sure what kind of whale it is...

Looks like this is only a juvenile.


See, the whale is kinda small...

It must be pretty hard to ride on the dolphins...

6 dolphins jumping together~~  Woohoo~~



Shark encounter...

Carp...take no pics of the sharks...just this frog picture...

....and this toad pic...

Stingray toy...

It's a sunny hot day in Orlando!!  Water is clam and the reflection is beautiful, we don't see this often in Toronto...

There are mist-pole everywhere in the theme park spraying mist to cool down the temperature.


parrot flipping up side down

Fern that I've never seen.

Here is a closer shot of the fern

Well...if I know what kind of bird this is...

Shamu's happy harbour, a playground for kids

Here is the Wild Arctic

Well, I was standing in front of the pool for over 5 mins and that beluga never comes up...I moved on!

Live polar bear...sleeping....

Hello~~~~!!??!  By the way, it looks so skinny!!

Guess what this is!!!!

Keep guessing!!  It's a giant +++

It's a walrus!!  There are two giant walrus in this pool.  Poor walrus the pool must be too small for them so they kept swimming in circle.  One of them wanna get off the water but the slope must be too steep so she can't land, and she sank to the bottom...

Dolphins dolls

Shamu mugs

Desserts that doesn't look delicious...

Last show of the day starts at 5:30pm at the Shamu Stadium

I wonder if they're real plants!

Shamu swimming freely in the pool before the show.

A closer shot of the naughty shamu.  He was trying to splash me!

Here is the stadium

One of the shamu~

We were there early, so I got a good spot and it's easy to take pictures here!

These two shamus are the mother and the son.

Feeding time!

I wonder how they see what the trainer is doing when they are under the water...

Another feeding spot

I wonder how their skin feel like too... Mmm.......

It's hard to be a trainer.  You need to be able to hold your breath under the water for 5 mins AT LEAST!!

Shamus are responding to whatever the trainer told them to do...  That must be a 'jump' sign?!

Hard to shoot when they just jump out of the water.  I took these pictures mostly by luck!  My camera nearly ran out of battery as one of these 1/2 hour show can drain 1/2 of my camera's battery away...

I think this baby shamu was born in Sea World.

This is the biggest shamu here!

It's interesting to see how the trainer communicates with shamu.

This sign must mean 'splash with tail'!!  PS, how can the whale see from that distance??!

This one must mean 'jump and splash'.  I was lucky that both splashes didn't hit me!!  Haha!!  However, my husband who sat right next to me was all soaked!!  LOL!!



I think he is doing another splash there...

A very nice stage!

That's the end of the show~

I took a picture of the Shamu Stadium before I leave.

This theme park closes at 6pm, it's time to go now...

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