Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mom's Potato-Egg Salad

Mom loves making and eating potato salad, she can make really good potato salad which I think she inherited the skill from grandma.  I like eating potato salad too, but I seldom make it at home 'coz my husband doesn't really like eating it.  If I make my own potato salad, I will be ended up eating all by good no good!  Making potato salad is easy, but mastering at it is hard.  Here I share with you my Mom's recipe, which I think there are rooms for improvement!  =)

 Basic ingredient:  potato and egg of course.  Mom has used 10 eggs and 5 lbs of potato here...but you can always adjust and modify the quantity.

 Diced up some red onions and celery sticks.

Diced up those eggs....

 ...and potatoes

 Mix everything in a large bowl but leave out the eggs for now.

 Massively pour in the low fat Mayo, black pepper and some old fashioned Dijon mustard. (No measurements here, just feel the texture...)

Old fashioned Dijon, with mustard seeds in it.

Last, add egg to the salad after mixing everything well.

Done.  As for myself, I will add some ham cubes or tuna to this salad just to increase its flavor.


  1. 昨晚看到這帖又想起平時做滷水蛋或雞蛋豬腳薑醋時,每次剝熟雞蛋都不十分完美,於是上網揾一下,發現幾個有趣方法,一個是加 baking powder(optional)不用peel的方法, 另一個是加鹽同煲再用冰水冷却。

    我馬上嘗試三種不同方法,那個加 baking powder 的方法特別有效好玩,(可能客人見到覺得有點核突),真的輕輕一吹,整個雞蛋光光滑滑成個完整無缺吹咗出嚟。。=D

    1. 好!多謝你的信息。我又學到新東西啦!


    2. My typo, it is baking soda not baking powder, I wonder if baking powder can do the same trick. The expirence I did。。 boil eggs with salt added turuned out quite good as well.
