Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sneak Peek At Big Al's Aquarium

Mom was trying to drag me out for 'a walk' (finding her specific brand of coconut oil actually) after my long day of work...  Knowing that I will refuse her for sure, she suggested going to the Big Al's in Vaughan and Thornhill.  Well, that helps!!  LOL!!  Not too sure but I guess no pictures are allowed in the store??  Thanks god I wasn't using flash at all, if they saw me I bet I will be on their black list!  PS, hope my reflection is not in any of these pics here!  LOL~

 Hermit crab, it eyes look so evil!  I bet you he must be looking at me taking picture of him...  @@

Um...?? saltwater fish.  Its head is so big but its tail is so small and short.

Banggaii Cardinalfish.  It was swimming around and I wasn't able to get its full side shot.

Um...saltwater puffer??  I wonder how it looks like when its puffed!

This one too I was trying to get the side shot but never able to do it.



Guess what this is!  Sea urchin sticking on the glass with its mouth facing my camera.

Ranchu?!  These type of goldfish is hard to keep, I had several before but didn't survive.

Green Moss Barb.  I used to have 7 or 8 in my tank, but now it's only down to 1...

Fan shrimps, used to have two but they're now gone...  I like the way they eat, so cute~

?? and ?? (the one at the back with bumble bee stripes) can been seen at McDonald!  16th Ave / Yonge location.

Koi, used to keep a tank of these back in HK when I was young.

It says 'river monster' on the label but I don't know what kind of fish this is, only know it's very territorial.

Some sort of rainbows...  They think I have food for them...

??  Not sure if they belongs to the cichlid family or not.

Yellow Labs?!  Not too familiar with fish from this family...

I don't know what they are but I wish I can keep a tank of these, or maybe the german ram will be fun too!

Spotted catfish?!

Only know these are gouramis.

Thinking about keeping a few of these pearl gouramis but husband said no!  Fine!!  >=::(

Don't dream 18boot...  Forget it forget it!!  >=::(


Silver molly...not lyretail.  Bye!

Balloon molly, I had several batches before but all died.  These fish are so hard to keep...

Lucky that these fish are not swimming, if not I don't think I can get the shot.

Um...some sort of pleco?!

Koi mixed goldfish??!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats ! Reflection of youseslf reduced to 0..=D

    Busy making pock jerky today as well, 2 favors...curry and super hot chilli, the problem is, everytime I turned the jerky in the oven I tried a few pcs, I think by the time they are done there won't be much

