Saturday, February 18, 2012

Blueberry Buckle

Mom got too many blueberries and she doesn't know what to do with them, so she made this blueberry buckle.  She made two trays actually, one using butter and the other one using shortening.  I personally like the one made with butter 'coz it tasted more like a 'cake'.  The shortening one is just too hard and crunch for me.  Note that I didn't bring my camera with me that day so I was using my husband's old cell phone to take most of these shots...  Also note that this cake actually serves with a topping but Mom was in a rush and she forgot to make it!!  LOL!!


3/4 cup white sugar                     1/4 cup shortening (butter)               1 egg
1/2 cup milk                                 2 cups all-purpose flour                    2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt                         2 cups fresh blueberries                  1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour             1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon        1/4 cup butter, softened

 Mom got a tray of blue berry here and she has decided to make something with it.

 Cream together 3/4 cup sugar, butter, and egg (Mom used butter in this batch).

 Stupid butter is not blending with the sugar and Mom has to heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds.  Anyway, add the egg in.


 In a separate bowl mix together 2 cups flour, baking powder, and salt.  Sift.


 Stir into sugar mixture, alternating with milk.


 Stir in blueberries.

 Slightly mix together.

 Grease one 8x8 inch pan, or slightly sprinkle the pan with flour.

Pour it into the container.

 Slightly spread even.  Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).

I took this home to bake so that I can take picture of it with my camera!!


Cake is soft and 'puff', blueberry gives the moist to the cake and it's not too sweet.

As I've mentioned, it serves with a topping but it taste good enough without the topping anyway...  To make topping: Combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, cinnamon, and butter. Sprinkle over cake batter.

Okay, here starts another batch with the shortening inside.

Doing it in the same method.

Cream it.

Keep creaming!

Sieve all dry ingredients.

Mom likes to flour the blueberry first before mixing them together.  This way the blueberry will not sink to the bottom... (??)  **My husband's cell phone ran out of battery from here...  =(

Anyway, I took it home and bake it.  Here is the buckle made with shortening.


This one is not as moist as the butter one, also it didn't rise as much as the butter .  The top is hard and crunchy which I don't like it personally.  Again, this should be served with a topping which my Mom forgot to make.

Top looks very crunch, this is a closer shot.

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