Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Homemade Chili Sauce 辣椒醬

Mom likes cooking alot and one of her signature item (she said) is making chilli paste.  I can't comment much 'coz I can't eat too spicy food myself!  Unlike other chefs that usually cook the chilli together with oil, Mom just pour the hot boiling oil into the finely chopped chilli.  For me, the only paste that I usually make is Malay sauce 馬拉盞.  This sauce is pretty simple and easy to make as well!  =)

 Prepare a large tray of chilli of your choice.

 Mom said she usually buy the red chilli, but this time she is using the green one 'coz she can't find any red chilli in the supermarket.

 Simple and easy, just chop it with the food chopper.

 Mom purposely put a cling wrap in between the lid and the container 'coz she is too lazy to wash the lid...

 Finished product.

 Here is a closer shot at the chopped chilli.

 That's actually quite a lot of chopped chilli here!

 Mom says don't chop it too fine, need to be a bit coarse to have the texture.

 Add two spoonful of chicken bouillon powder and mix well.

 Pour in hot boiling oil.

 It's optional to add chopped garlic but Mom didn't add any here 'coz she wants to keep its spiciness.

 Don't worry about adding too much oil, 'coz the chilli will absorbs it eventually.

 Serve as is, but if you can wait for a week, this chilli sauce will taste better.  This thing is too spicy to me, so I'll pass.

 Another kind of chilli paste that Mom has made - Malay sauce 馬拉盞。

XO sauce, Mom's style.

 She makes a lot of these and usually give it to her friends.  I forgot what she told me about this one, but it has black bean(豆豉)in it.

 Instead of green chilli, this paste is made from red chilli.


  1. them all !

    BTW, glad to hear you answer the door..good luck!


  2. Hello 18boot,

    How do you decide if you will post in English or in Chinese?

    Does you mother know how to make xo sauce, if she does can you ask her for the recipe.


    1. I guess she just flip the coin. Head is Chinese, tail is English.


  3. 18boot, can you ask your mon is she knows how to make black pepper sauce? I want to say goodbye to 李錦記. Thanks.


  4. Hahahahahah!!! Whether doing the blog in English or Chinese really depends on my mood and the time I have. If there are a lot of things to type, I will do it in English - faster! But if there aren't much to tell and time permits, I will do it in Chinese...I type slow in Chinese. LOL!

    I'll ask my mom and see if she has the recipe of your request. Will have her post it in English. Worse than me, she types even slower in Chinese!! LOL!!

  5. I think it's good idea for 伯母大人to create her own blog to teach us how to cook and we come here to 18 boots' blog to find out where to eat. =D

    BTW, I am done with all my pork jerky, have to make more on the weekend.=)


    1. 舉腳贊成伯母大人有自己 blog, 18boot 嘅 blog 主外面食, 伯母嘅 blog 主屋企食, 雙劍合壁, 天下無敵.


  6. Black Pepper Sauce (According to my taste)
    1 tablespoon chopped onion
    2 tablespoon chopped garlic
    2 tablespoon black pepper
    2 tablespoon oyster sauce
    1 tablespoon soy sauce
    1 tablespoon sugar
    4 tablespoon water

    1. Mix together the black pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar and water.
    2. Stir fry chopped onion till transparent; add chopped garlic and the rest of the ingredients.

    If it is too salty, dilute it with water or cut down the oyster sauce or soy sauce. Adjust it according to your own tastes.

    It's tasty, I love it.

    簡化自製XO醬 (小量)

    瑤柱 70克
    蝦米 150克 (炒香)
    洋蔥 二個 (中等)
    乾蔥, 蒜頭 各廿粒
    指天椒 十 ~ 廿隻
    咸魚茸 二湯匙
    金華火腿茸 二湯匙
    沙爹醬 一茶匙。

    2.燒熱新油500ml (不可太熱) 將所有材料一齊放入熱油中

    Happy Cooking.

    1. 多謝Mom嘅黑椒汁食譜, 一定會試試. 時下嘅乜乜樽裝現成醬汁實在太唔值咁貴, 而且唔知入面係乜東東, 自己造一定係真材實料. 唔該哂.


    2. 試過不同嘅XO醬食譜,但從未試過加入咸魚茸的製法,值得一試,請問伯母大人應該選擇何種咸魚,實肉取其口感還是霉(梅)香取其香味?


    3. Hello Mom,

      Thanks for the XO recipe, but I can't read chinese! :( Can you please translate! Thanks a bunch!


  7. Mom:
    請問乜嘢係乾蔥? 响超市邊個部門可以搵到? 蔬菜部? 乾貸部? 調味料部? 每次睇到食譜要用到乾蔥我都係買蔥頭代替, 但唔係乾嘅, 請指教!


    1. The english name of 乾蔥 is shallots. Shallots are considered members of the onion family, but are smaller than onions and look more like garlic. You can get it at the veggie section. If it is finely minced can almost disappear, so it is a good choice for a smooth sauce.

      乾蔥 is not dry. I think you are using the right thing.


    2. Mom, thanks for your reply. I always thought 乾蔥 is dried like dried mushroom. I use the shallots because I have no other option. Now I realize the 乾蔥 is not dried, it's kind of funny.


  8. 試過不同嘅XO醬食譜,但從未試過加入咸魚茸的製法,值得一試,請問伯母大人應該選擇何種咸魚,實肉取其口感還是霉(梅)香取其香味?


  9. Hello Mom,

    I posted above, but in case you thought it was an old resonse.

    Thanks for the XO recipe, but I can't read chinese! :( Can you please translate! Thanks a bunch!


    1. Simple XO SAUCE (small amount)
      70 g dried scallops, soaked in warm water for 2 hours
      150g dried shrimp, soaked in warm water for a while
      10 to 20 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
      2 onions (small) finely chopped
      20 garlic, peeled and finely chopped
      20 dried shallots, peeled and finely chopped
      2 tablespoons Chinese Jinhua ham or finely chopped
      2 tablespoons Chinese salted fish finely chopped
      1 teaspoon barbecue sauce (牛頭牌沙茶醬)

      1. Fry scallops for a while and also stir fry the garlic, shallots, onion, salted fish and Chinese ham separately.
      2. Heat up 500 ml oil (not too hot) and put everything in and stir well.
      3. When oil starts boiling up turn the heat down to low. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Stir occasionally. Bring the heat up for every 20 minutes and turn it down after the oil starts boiling up again.

      Here is the complicated one
      XO Sauce (larger quantity)
      4 dried scallops, soaked in warm water for 2 hours or overnight
      50g dried shrimp or prawns, soaked in warm water for 2 hours or overnight
      300ml vegetable oil
      50g garlic, peeled and finely chopped
      50g ginger, peeled and finely chopped
      1 onion or 2 shallots, finely chopped
      50 g dried prosciutto or jamon, very finely chopped
      6 long red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
      15 grams dried chillies, soaked and finely chopped
      50 g dried shrimp paste (belachan)
      sea salt, to taste
      sugar, to taste
      Drain scallops and shrimp but reserve the soaking water.
      Place scallops on a plate in a bamboo steamer or colander.
      Cover and steam over boiling water for 10 minutes.
      Remove scallops from steamer and shred using your fingers.
      Dry the scallops on paper towels.
      Pound shrimps in mortar with pestle or grind in spice grinder.
      Heat half the oil in wok or pan over medium heat.
      Add scallops and fry 1-2 minutes (it may spit!).
      Remove scallops and reserve, drain the oil and reserve.
      Wipe out wok with paper towels.
      Return the scallop cooking oil and the remaining oil to the pan.
      Add garlic, ginger, onion or shallots and dried shrimp to the wok.
      Stir-fry 4-5 minutes over medium heat.
      Add prosciutto and stir-fry 1 minute.
      Add fresh and dried chilli and stir-fry a few seconds.
      Add belachan, scallops and reserved soaking water.
      Add salt and sugar to taste.
      Stir well to combine everything.
      Cook over low heat 40 minutes, or until all water has evaporated.
      Stir occasionally and taste to adjust balance of flavors.
      Drain and reserve oil.
      Place solids in sterilized jar, then top with reserved oil.
      Cover and store for 24 hours before using.

  10. Thank you so much!

