Friday, June 15, 2012

Scarborough Bluff (Bluffer's Park), Scarborough

Scarborough Bluff (Bluffer's Park) is located at the end of Brimley Road South, basically just drive all the way South on Brimley that's it.  This park is divided into 3 parts (sort of), right side the literally a 'park' where you can walk around, enjoy the scenic views and BBQ at their designated areas.  Middle part is marina, where you can't go in unless you are their member.  Left side of the park is a man made beach,which  I didn't have time to hang around during this visit.  Perhaps next time I should visit the beach first~  =)

 I always call it Scarborough Bluff, never know there is a park here!!

 The parking lot is quite empty today (You won't wanna know when I came here!!) and there are a lot of seagulls here!!  Blue sky with no cloud, it's a perfect day to take pictures!  =D  Ready??!!

 My first attempt!  It's not close enough huh?!!

 There is a way to get them fly: food!!  This bird looks like a flying chicken here!  LOL!!

 I refused to throw the bread on the ground!!  Whoever wants to eat, has to come (fly) and get it!!  =D

 LOL!  A perfect example of snap and go~~!  Though its blurry, but I got the shot at least!!  =D

 He got the food!  Good for him!!  =D

 Okay, who gets the reward this time?  The bread is still in the air~!

 Whenever they come close, I throw the bread into the air and they catch it before it drops.

 Look closely at the layer of feathers under the sun!  So neat!!  =D

 These guys fly in circle to get the food.  They come close, I throw the bread into the air, they snap, then do a circle and come back to eat again!!

 If it's windy enough, they just stay at the same spot in the air and snap several times (max 4 time I've seen) first before circle around and come back again for more food.

 If the bread drops, whoever stays on the ground will grab it!

It's fun to watch them eat.  Honestly, I told my husband I'd rather feed these seagulls than those Canada Geese, 'coz they don't fly around to take my food!!  LOL!!

 Cool eh??!  =D  Too bad I have no more bread left!!

 These fellows saw me feeding the seagulls and they came over.  Look, the one on the right is actually running towards me!!!  For food!!!  =D

 They snap my finger hard but that's okay, I still feed them by hand!  =)

 During the time when I'm not taking pictures, I feed them with one hand and touch them with the other!!  LOL!!  That's pay back!  =D

I was feeding the one on the right and it pissed off the one on the left.  There are usually 2 places where these geese will snap during fighting:  wing area and leg area...

Fight back!!  LOL!!  Just like me....

I was actually sitting on the floor in the middle of the parking lot while feeding them.  No one is around, it's a weekday anyway~  (Yeah, I skipped work just to come here w/ my husband huh!)  =P

This idiot is too shy to take the food from my hand...she is just looking at me that's all!!  Well, too bad then!

Done with the birds, lets move on!  =)

Ever wonder where these birds are heading towards?!  Let's find out!  =D

Ah-ha~!  Swimming towards the bay area~~!

Resting at the shore, I don't know exactly what they're waiting for...  Its a cold breezy day today~!  =)

3 birds can't wait and they just took off, but they didn't fly too far though.  They look very clumsy!  =D

Staying in the water for too long, they need a rest so they swim back to the shore. it because the wave is too strong for them and they can't swim any further??!

This 'beach' is literally for birds!!  Here is the west view of the beach.

Here is the east view of the beach.  Well, you can BBQ here at least (I BBQ-ed here b4 that's why!).

Enuf (enough) rest, they're heading back to the water!!  Let's see how long they can stay in the water this time!!  =D

That's the yacht club~~

Just by looking at this picture, will you ever think that I'm in Toronto??!  It looks more like that I'm on vacation somewhere in the South huh?!

Granite.  You know what freaks me out right after I took this picture?!!  Guess!!!  The answer is within this picture!  See if you can spot the clue!  =D

Here is the other side of the Scarb Bluff.

I don't think I can get there....unless I swim over!  LOL!!

Here is another shot at the 'mountain'.  There should be a trail to get to top of the mountain I guess, its just I don't know where the trail is.

Marshland.  You need to cross a small stream in order to get there...which I don't really have my gears on, so I stayed on the other side....

This is another beach, sort of, for birds mostly.  Again, to get to the other side, I need to cross a stream, which I didn't bother doing it....

'Dunker's Flow Balancing System for Stormwater Treatment'.   Okay...  Nice to know~!  Merci~!

This gate/bridge is open today, so we can walk over to the other side~!  Lucky~~   =D

I took this shot on the bridge, it belongs to part of the balancing system I guess?!

This gate here is shut, we can't get to the other side....  =(

I sneaked into the 'bird beach' to take this shot.  Look at all the birds resting on the right side of the shore...

Here is another shot at the 'pond'.  Quiet and peaceful, nice breezy day!!  =D

Here is the beach on the other side of the bluff.  Further down there is Pickering.  We didn't have time to take a walk at the beach, besides we forgot to bring our sandals....maybe next time I should come here first.

Beach looks very empty huh?!  'Coz its a weekday!!  Remember?!!  =D  It reminds me of Santa Monica...sort of....

Here is the marina.

This area is huge, but you can't get in unless you are a member.

Flower, don't know the name but you can see this everywhere.  I've seen this flower in yellow but this is my first time seeing this in pink I think...

From a different location, this is another shot at the marina.

It was pretty much close to 5pm when I took these shots.

It didn't take me too much time to snap here and there~   =D

Last but not least.  Trying to be artistic here~  =)  Time to go home~~


  1. Beautiful shots ! Any comment, Dan?

    Yes ! I don't blame you, with this lovely weather, it's a waste of time resting at home.

    "They snap my FIGURE" hard" ? =D

    The concrete blocks on the beach spoil the whole scene。

    Call of Nature ! LOL

    1. MJ, 你真百厭~! =P

      已更改:Finger 不是 Figure 啦~~~~~~

  2. Very good pictures. Thumbs up!!

    I think there is a spider behind the rock.

    Don't forget to wear a hat when taking pictures under the seagulls :)

    1. It looks like someone pee on the rock rather than something looks like spider legs on the top left.

    2. Dan哥經驗之談,曾經被流彈所傷?=D

    3. pee on the rock? 唔會掛, 咁高難度?

      慶幸未曾被流彈所傷, 不過見有咁多人有槍林彈雨之下影相; 比啲溫馨提示啫.

    4. 這回Dan哥答對了,的確是有隻大蜘蛛躲在石頭後面。拍照時都沒有留意,直至拍完後突然見到隻蜘蛛在旁邊匆出來!嚇死我!又:那個應該不是 pee 印啦,似個影多啲~~

      總公司的會開完了,又熱又累冇哂 mood 做嘢... @@

  3. Are we allowed to bbq there? Are there any barbecue fixtures?

    1. Yes, there are a few BBQ fixtures there but they're quite nasty...
