Friday, June 8, 2012

Local Fish Store (LFS) & Big Al's Aquarium

Mom said she was freaked out seeing an awful looking creature on my fish post last time...  Okay...fine!  Here I'm posting this cute little Ryukin goldfish as this post's first picture, no freaking out, you happy Mom??!  Getting bored in taking picture from Big Al's, I've now tried taking pictures from other local fish stores.  I find their fish are more unique and odd, which you can hardly find them in any Big Al's.  However, this is a big challenge, since I ain't sure if these LFS allows pictures or not...  Will see....!  (May 21 @ 10:57pm: exhausted, I need to go zzzZZZz...)  ** June 8 - 今天講魚吧,吃得多油膩啊! =)

Ryukin 琉金, one of my favorite type of goldfish.  I used to have several of these but they don't last long!

What is this??  Some sort of filter??  I took this shot from a Chinese fish store...

Here is another shot at the 'thing', it sticks to the side of the fish tank...air pump maybe?  Really have no clue.

One of my snap and go pic.  Not sure if they allow photo shoots in Chinese fish stores.  This is similar to my ideal shrimp tank and I like the Chinese decor, too bad we have no more space to keep an extra tank at home!  Arg!!

Its body pattern looks like a maze, and whatever that's sticking out from its mouth looks like fangs!

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!   毛聳聳~~~~~~~~~!!This thing is over a feet long and it has food (pellets) all over its body!!!!  每次見道嘟打冷震!!!!

......$599!!  CDN!!!  o_O!!  .....that's not nice....!!

One more shot at this eeewwwwwwwwwy thing!!  I can't imagine myself touching it!!  Ewww!!  Ewww!!  Ewwwwwww!!!!

Albino crayfish.

Gar pike.  The only gar fish I've heard of is alligator gar, from a FB game!  =D

Forgot the name of this type of fish in English, but its call 玻璃貓 in Chinese.  It has a see through transparent body.

Assorted gold fish...  Um...I see some fantails, ranchus, bubble eyes and orandas here...maybe a few pearlscales too?!

?? A ryukin that's not too ryukin?!  Or its something else?!

I have several of these platies at home, just a few left....

This shrimp can jump and it moves so fast too!!   Looks like mini 溫哥華蝦!  =D

Pearl gourami.  I will get this for sure when they are on sale!!  I promise!!

Guppies, I had enough of them!!

Looks like 鯪魚?!  That's how I call it anyway!  LOL!!

Forgot the name of this fish, but it starts with the word 'marble'.  These fish flows at the surface that's it.  I don't think they swim in the mid tank or the bottom of the tank.

Afro peacock cichlid.

These plants eat bugs...ewww....

(....gees!!  Only half is done and I still have half to go!!  ....Exhausted!!)

Bla......lets move on!  Angelfish, I know this is an angel, but what kind?!  Striped?!  It has a zebra pattern, maybe it's call zebra angel?!

噗~~~  Salt water 大眼雞!!!!Hahahha!!

Guess what this is!!!  =D  This is actually my first time seeing a 'live one'!!  I've only seen the pictures this thing in books or online before, never a real one!!!

I know its blurry but here is a closer shot.  I sort of guessed it and confirmed my guess w/ the associates!

One of the cleaning crew for salt water tanks, that's all I know!!

!!!!!!!!  Halfbeak??!!!  I had four of them, two died on the day I purchased them, another one died next day, and as of now (May 20) I only have one left!!  How sad!!

Don't know what kind of fish this is, only know they are salt water fish that's all.

Betta fish, that's all I know.

I used to keep something like this before.  They're easy to keep, no filter or air pump needed.

I just kept them for fun, never engaged them into a fight before.

Not sure if they get along with my other fish or not....  Mmmm......

Aquarium plants.  I can't really recognize these plants (and I can't read the tag unless I magnify the pic) though I have a very useful 'Plant list A-Z' website.  =)

I recognize this though!  Vallisneria sp. 'Mini Twister'...I guess...

Anubias, one of my favorite.

Bacopa, I used to have some of these but they gone fast!

A very common aqua plant, but I forgot the name....

Took this picture from the Vaughan Big Al's I think...can't remember...

Took this picture from Vaughan's Big Al's for sure, from the side of the tank.

Looks so funny!!  The skull is 'growing hair'!!  =D

What I'm interested in, is the plant that's growing on top of the skull!!  They look so unique and I can't find this in the A~Z list!

I can't zoom any's getting blurry if I zoom closer (forget about that fish, I didn't mean to take a picture of it!).  That 'green ball' looks as if it glows?!!

See that frog hiding in the middle of the plant?!  That's neat!

Some sort of green tree frog?!

....OKay......get a room!

Ewwwwww~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Well, I should be glad at least its not facing me!!

What do you see here??  Do you see 3 lizards sleeping or you only see my reflection?!  =D

.....  'Waakkk'..............


  1. What kind of 帝皇金鑽 is that? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!!!!! See, I am freaking out again! ======:(


    1. 媽,條魚自己嘟唔想生到咁肉酸㗎!!

    2. 魚不可以貌相!哈。。

    3. 愈肉酸愈貴. 肯定貴過神仙魚.

    4. 呢啲係我哋睇法啫,可能它是同類中的大美女或帥哥!

  2. Naughty, naughty you! Are you trying to scare mom?=D

    That glass tube thing I believe is a CO2 diffuser for feeding tiny CO2 bubbles for the aquarium plants.

  3. What is that THING with an alien's eye ball?

    1. 算!開估吧....

      這是一條 bamboo shark 的 egg sac。我猜到是一條鯊魚的蛋/卵,但一直以為它是屬於 nurse 或 lemon shark 的。店員說他不知道這東西幾時會 hatch,因為他都是頭一次見。照片在一個多月前攝於 Newmarket Big Al,可能現在那條鯊魚仔已經面世。

    2. 哦。。沒有見過鯊魚卵,還以為是太空生物,只知鯊魚有胎生、卵生和卵胎生。以前香港街市都有鯊魚胎賣,是從捕獲母鯊腹中取出小鯊魚胎差不多有兩尺長。據說 bamboo shark 能單性繁殖。

    3. Nurse shark是卵胎生,Lemon shark 是胎生,又知多樣嘢。

    4. 我又係,知多樣嘢! =)

      記憶中那兩種鯊魚好像是沉底鯊,生長在比較淺水的 reef 附近,不像大白鯊在深水地帶才找到,對嗎?

    5. 答對一半,大白鯊可以在極深水底生活,但由於大白鯊最喜食海獅、海豹,所以也時常出沒沿岸淺水水域覓食,曾在 National Geographic 紀錄片就見過大白鯊甚至搶灘獵殺海豹全身暴露出水面。
