Saturday, December 3, 2011

Picture in Picture - Oceania Cruises Eruopean Collection

These pictures might not be as vivid as it should be because I took these pics from a cruise brochure!  Haha!  I was waiting for my husband in a food court one day and to kill time, I picked this cruise brochure randomly from a travel agency.  Thinking what these pictures will look like if I take it with my camera, I just snapped as I flipped.  Well, the quality turns out pretty cool except it looks like they are in very low resolution.  =)

 Oceania Cruises - I took these pics from this brochure.

 Europe ports of call

 Artisan breads

 'Fabled Butcher's Classic - 20oz Bone-In Steak Perfectly Seasoned and Grilled'














 Cinque Terre

 Sorrento - this pic looks really fake!







 Cinque Terre

 Giza - this camera can't really capture 'yellow' under white light...or it's me who doesn't know how to set this camera...






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