Tuesday, December 13, 2011

♡ Nutty Hamster ♡

I like cracking walnuts from time to time and when I do so, I give my hamster half of it.  It's always cute looking at a hamster while its eating a walnut.  From my past experience, they will try to dig, drag and pull the walnut until they get the meat out of the half cracked walnut.  This hamster here is a lazy bum...he didn't even bother trying hard to eat the nut!!  I have to get the meat out from the shell and place it right in front of him for him to grab!  What a spoiled brat!

 He can't crack a whole walnut, so I'm only giving him half here.

 He was focusing on the walnut in the first several minutes.

 My hamster eats everything, nuts, assorted fruits & veggies, cheese, ham, bread, crackers, pasta, noodles, rice...


 The only thing he doesn't like eating is mushroom! LOL!

 He is spoiled by me I admit, he doesn't like eating his own hamster food...

 Some noises has distracted him, he stopped eating but listening.

 OKay, back on his track now!

 Fed up, he can't get no meat from the walnut....

...he stopped eating and started cleaning himself up (that involves rubbing both his hands first as seen here, then his nose, then his head/ears; I call it 洗嘴洗頭).

 Something else has distracted him again!

 I dig a small piece of walnut out from the shell and handed to him, now he started eating again!

 Hello~~~~~??!!  Keep eating la!!  ~.~"  (My husband was vacuuming outside, that's why the noise distracted him all the time.)

 He doesn't wanna give up after eating that small piece of walnut...'coz there is still a big chunk inside.

 Now he started to stuff the walnut into his pouch.

 There is no more man....

No more la!!!


  1. He is SUPER CUTE!! =D how old is he??

    WOO you have so many fishy, and you hav hamster?
    I LOVE THEM!! I used to have those grey color dwarf hamsters (40 of them ... =.=") and a few guinea pigs, i miss them =((((


  2. Heehee! My hamster is now 1.5 years old, getting naughty and chewing the cage like crazy everyday~ Gosh, he has food, water, spinning wheel in his cage and I don't know why he gets so hyper still... I used to have 2 chinchillas too but they're gone... =(
