Monday, December 12, 2011

Catching Wild Yeast

Mom sent me an interesting website about making your own wild yeast starter, so I followed the instruction and made my own starter by using an apple.  It was quite interesting in seeing how the yeast develop, yet I ain't sure if I've done the right thing or not 'coz I didn't really follow the instruction thoroughly...  Worse of all, I always think my starter has turned bad 'coz it really has a strong sour smell.. Anyway, I will still give it a try!  =)

 Dec 3 - I've used a medium size apple here.  Instead of chopping it into smaller pieces, I just use a blender to dice it up.

 1 medium apple + 3 large spoonful of sugar + 8 large spoonful of water (preferred distilled water).

It smells really nice!  =)

 Dec 5 - 2 days later bubble has developed and you can smell 'wine'.

 Here is a closer shot at the bubbles.

 Dec 6 - 3 days later, I've made natural apple soda!!  Hahahahah!!!

More bubbles and smelled more 'wine'!

 Get your ear close to the jar and you can hear the bubbles going 'Ssaaaaaaa......'!!  This liquid is ready to be used.

 Dec 7 - I should have added the flour in's bubble wasn't as bubbly as yesterdays.  My recipe says only take 160g of juice and add in 80g of flour.

 Once the flour and the juice are mixed together, it became like this.

 Dec 8 - this culture didn't look that bad though there were some flour settled at the bottom of the jar.

This is the view from the top, it has a very strong sour smell...that's why I thought this culture must have turned bad....

 Dec 9 - I've fed this thing with 1/3 cup of water & flour.

 This is what its look like from the top.

 Dec 10 - my culture looks like this...  It's a bit watery, strong sour smell, and it's sort of brown in color??!

 At least it has developed the gluten here...

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