Monday, December 5, 2011

Homemade Black Bread (睇吓好啦!!)

I wanted to make a loaf of bread without using the bread machine...  Nevertheless I can't rely on it everytime when I make bread.  Mom said she doesn't want any 'white bread', so I researched the internet and decided to make her this 'black bread'!  Haha!!  Well, result?!!  I've made a 'flat bread'!  o_O!!  I shouldn't have poked or moved this friggin dough before sending it to the oven!!  The picture below is the 'best look' of my bread before everything ruined!  Arrrgggg....!!

 (You think my bread looks like this after it's baked??!!!  Noooooooooo!!!!!  Below you'll see!!)

-  1 1/3 cups strong brewed coffee (that's too much liquid to my bread)
-  1/4 cup dark molasses
-  1/4 cup vegetable oil
-  2 tablespoons brown sugar
-  1 cup whole wheat four
-  1 cup rye flour
-  2 cups bread flour
-  2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
-  1 1/2 teaspoons salt
-  2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast or bread machine yeast

 I brewed the coffee and mixed it with molasses, brown sugar & yeast.  I let it sit for 10 minutes first before using it.

 I mixed all the dry ingredients together.

 ...add in the liquid, and mix everything well with a spoon first before transferring the dough to the table.

 Knead for about 5 mins 'til the surface smooth, then cover the dough with a damp cloth and put it in a warm place until it is double in size.

 I've sprinkled a lot of flour on a wooden board before placing the dough here.  (That's too much!!)

 Once the dough is double in size, I knead/fold the dough again for several times and shaped it into a ball.

Sprinkled some oatmeal on top of the dough so it looks nicer...  I've rested it for another 2 hours until it's double in size again.

 I switched on the oven light and let it sits inside...

 This dough is now ready to bake, it looks nice and cool!  =)

 Stupid me!!  Stupid stupid stupid!!!  Argg...  I shouldn't have poked this thing with a knife...  Now all the air has gone and it has collapsed!!!  Shit!!

 Now it has become a 'flat bread'...duh!!!

 What's done is done...  Can't help it...

Nice!!!  .....................

 It has reached 4-5 inches in height before it collapsed...but now...arg....only like 2 inches thick!!

 This recipe actually yields 12 buns, but instead of making buns, I made this one...  The bread looks okay...just....just not fully cooked!!  [350°F for 30 mins, I should have baked it for 40-45 mins instead]

 Texture looks nice and acceptable to me, but I don't know if it taste good or not...


1 comment:

  1. 哇!看起來好像是一個很成功的咸煎餅。

