Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Flowers

I like taking pictures of flower from time to time, I think it's the easiest thing to start with.  My camera is just one of those simple Sony digital one and I set my camera mode as 'auto' because I never know how to adjust those settings and I hate reading the manual!  As you can tell from the word 'manual', it's the man's job to do it!  LOL!  The only mode I know how to switch is between 'micro' and 'macro' that's about it.

Mom specifically wants me to take picture of her Orchids.  She says it's very hard to get it bloom.  Too bad the sun was almost set at the day when I took these pictures..  There you go mom!! =)

See...can't stay focus on that flower in the middle there.  I don't know the name of this flower, but it seems my mom likes it very much.  I got this pot from a Chinese supermarket in the Mississauga area for $2.99 only.

I don't know the name of this kind of flower either (because I've lost the flower tag...) but it looks kinda cute!  It only comes with 3 colors: yellow, red and orange and I've been looking for this plant for over 2 years as I don't see it often.  I picked this plant up from a supermarket in Mississauga as well.  They had over 8 pots on Saturday noon I remembered but only got 1 left on Sunday afternoon!

I took these pictures from NoFrills's garden section.  I think they just opened their garden section not long ago this year so there weren't a lot of plants, mostly Pansies and some veggies.


 One of my favorite flower, but too bad I don't know its name.

All I know is, this is some sort of ferns.

 This is more like a leek flower (can't eat the leek unfortunately).  The flower itself can last for a very long time but it stinks!

Looks like a lily pad but it's not...don't know what it is..  Mom's product!

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