Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20 (Friday) - Good bye Yoyo! You're up for adoption!!

Dearest Yoyo (肥佬),

I love you with all my heart and I have no choice but let you go.  You are up for trade, for sale and for adoption.  Anyone who see this post and interested in keeping Yoyo, please let me know!!  The reasons why I'm giving up on you duly because:
  1. You are being too aggressive in my well developed 40 gallon community tank!!
  2. You are getting too big and outrageous!!  When I yap at you, you never give a shit but hide in your own hole - you know which hold I'm talking!  You're simply just out of control!!
  3. You chase every single fish (especially ALL my Peppered Cory) 24/7 and this is not acceptable!!
  4. You are creating hugh stress to your tank mates, causing them death!
  5. You are destroying my plants in the tank by chewing on them, they are not food!!
  6. I know you work hard by eating all left overs at the bottom of the tank and tried to maintain a good living environment, but you don't have to drill or dig deep in my pebbles just to find more food!  In another word, you are destroying my landscape in the tank.

I remembered you used to be cute and adorable when I just bought you from a local fish store.  I named you Yoyo because of your black and white patterns on your body, which often can be seen to spell "yoyo". But now you are just going too far and getting chubby.  I hope you will find a new lovely home and long live your life, as I've heard, your species can have a lifespan of 20+ years.

Love you always,


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