I got a chance to visit some of the garden centers last week and I took quite a lot of pictures of the flowers. My mom loves gardening so I guess this will be a very good chance for her to pick what kind of flowers she wants to plant in her yard!! LOL!! I don't know the name of most of these flowers though, so for those who know the name, let me know and I will post it here.
The cherry apple trees are blooming. However their flowers won't last very long, just a couple of days...and most of them will be gone after a thunderstorm.
Huge tulip 鬱金香.
Crysenthemum?? The color of this flower is between yellow/green.
Guess what this is!! LOL!! I don't know it's name... I got this plant from a local fish store, this plant is intended to keep with your fish in your fish tanks. My husband thinks it's kinda cute as the new leaves are
sprouting and he asked me to take a picture of this. Those white curves on the right are ripples.
Fake robin eggs (pretended to be) in a fake nest. It looks pretty real if there is no string tied to the 'nest'!Dahlia
Leek flower?
I think this belongs to the cactus family, but I don't know what this is.
Cute duck shape decoration.
I wonder what kind of flower they put in these 'pots'.
I call it 極品大雪耳! (Don't think this is Marygold...)
Carnation 康乃馨
I know this one!! Pink Rose!!
Calla Lilies 馬蹄蘭
Another Calla Lilies 馬蹄蘭
Miniature Snapdragon or Snapshot. 狗仔花 - 小狗系列...
Snapdragon. 狗仔花 - 大狗系列! LOL!! This type of flower has a lot of color, pink, red, yellow, orange, white...etc. I specially like the above color: some pinkish at the top and bottom with some violet color in the middle.
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