Monday, August 13, 2012

Taste of The Danforth 2012

Sponsored by Pilaros, Greektown Taste of The Danforth is one of the signature event in Toronto.  This is my second time going to this event.  Despite the poor weather, I still insisted on going Downtown on Saturday.  Unlike last year, there weren't a lot of people or vendors this year (maybe because of the weather?!), and luckily there weren't any rain at all that day...just very cloudy & windy that's it.  Writing a post about Taste of The Danforth once a year, that's not too much huh~?!   =)

 Here comes Pilaros Taste of The Danforth, 2012~~

 Car2go, not 100% sure about their concept but seems like you can rent a car by hours instead of renting it by days?!

 Kebab...what's the difference between kebab and skewers?  I guess they're the same thing huh?!

 What about Kebab and Kebob?!  They are the same as well?!

Local vendors selling fruits and drinks...  I don't think they're gonna do a good business this year 'coz its not hot at all today!!  Infect, its a bit cold...

Grilled corn, looks delicious to me.
Here is the performance stage near Broadview Ave.

Due to the bad weather, this place is not as crowded as last year.

Seafood paella, I think they make this every year during Taste of The Danforth.

Here is a closer shot at the paella, I wonder how it tastes like...

Grilled pineapple.  This should taste good?!?  Wonder if they've put anything on the pineapple?!  Or the brown color is just the caramelization?

There!  PS, do you see me in the reflection?!  I hope not!  LOL!

More grilled pineapples.

Here is a shot at the street vendors.

Another kebab vendor.  Looks yum!!

Sabra booth, they're here every year, giving out free sample of crackers and their signature hummus.

Hummus is acceptable to me though its not my big favorite.

Raptors mobile fanzone trailer.

Raptor's player Dee Brown is giving out autographs here.

Sunny D's booth is giving out free orange juice here.

'Serving the best calamari on The Danforth for the past 17 years!  Really??!!

This is their calamari, I was able to take a picture before the customer took the plate!!

There are only two chefs working on the oysters, and its hard to see what they're doing from my angle.

I don't know what kind of oysters they are, I just know its oysters!

Dr. Oetker giving out free pizza samples (only a small piece) here!!  I wanna grab a piece too, but.....

....Look at the queue!!  Its endless!!!  Forget it....  I love Dr. Oetker's pizza, they're good!!!

Chefs working hard on their kebabs.

Assorted Indian food?!  I can recognize spring rolls, samosa, pat thai (??), fried ?? and ??....  That's it!  =P

Blowout sale!  Flip flops 5 for $10!  I wonder if its comfortable or not wearing flip I've never wear this in my life!  Believe it or not!

I don't know why my pictures came out so dark, well, it wasn't as bad as you thought here....  It's cloudy but bright...

Chef making gyros... it normal that they put french fries in gyros??!

Looks like Chinese food to me...

Greek snacks - baklava?!  Or something similar? One thing I know is, these snacks are super sweet!

Greek Baklava w/ nuts, I think I've tried it before....  Taste good but just too sweet!

Toronto police, to serve and protect.

Tim Hortons is having a booth at the street corner too!!!

Just by looking at this pastry, I don't even know if this thing is sweet or salty....  But looks good to me though!

Um....must be some sort of desserts?  All I know if, they're deep fried items.

Dessert again?!  I should try some one day!!  =)

More kebabs.

I didn't know this chef is posting for me while I was taking the picture!!  =P

Crab & salmon salad...  Skip skip skip!!

Grilled squid, I think Jap ayce places cook better than them.  I guess they sell stuffed crab shell here as well?!

Grilled shrimp.  These aren't hard to make.

Zazzu, must be some sort of newly invented way of eating 'pizza'?!

Looks like they still have to bake it huh?!  Okay....I'd rather eat a regular pizza!

McDonald, giving out free smoothie sample here.

There are only two flavor to choose from:  mango & raspberries.  I tried the raspberry flavor, not bad!!  Icy cold, very smooth and its full of berry flavor, I'm lovin it!

Poor kid cutting up lemons to make lemonade which no one buys.

Watermelon slices, $1 each.  Too bad as I've said, today is not hot and sunny!!  I doubted if anyone is gonna buy it....well, at least cover it w/ cling wrap!

Greek desserts #1 - I don't know what this is!!

More Greek desserts here!  Basically there are only two kinds!!  I bet you they taste the same!!

Greek desserts #2 - which I don't know what this is either!!

More than just kebabs, there are lamb chops here as well!

Here is a closer shot at the lamb chops, they look moist and tender.

As you can see, the chef is working hard on them!  Look at the chef's glove, looks so burnt!  He must be working so hard huh!

Here is another shot at the event.

Souvlaki, my favorite!  Okay, here is another question, what's the difference between souvlaki, kebab, kebob and skewers?!

Grilled whatever this is, the food is spinning like crazy above the fire.

Look closer, ah....these are quails.

....I should have read first huh!

I think this is more than just quail here, there should be something else too but I don't know what they're!

Holy smoke!  Don't smoke and grill at the same time!!  We don't wanna eat your ash chef!!

...Chinese 'cha siu'??!  斬大舊叉燒!LOL!!  Looks yum though!

I was walking behind this chubby dog!  So cute from the back!  =D

Gelato, that's ice-cream in another word huh?!  This booth's gelato doesn't look attractive...

Thai food?!  I think so....looks a bit horrible!!  Skip skip skip~~~

Shawarma roasting.

This fellow here is unwrapping a new shawarma onto the grill.

All done and its ready to be roasted!!  This thing must be damned heavy!  ....Do you think I can lift this up by myself?!

Astro, they're giving out free yogurt samples.

Greek yogurt, this is what they're promoting.  I should use Greek yogurt to marinate my meat instead of using regular yogurt next time...

Grilled corn.  There are quite a lot of grilled corn booths at the site this year.

I like to sprinkle my grilled corn w/ some hot & spicy powder + lime juice, its delicious!

Spinach pie, one of my favorite!  I should learn making it myself!  Doesn't look hard to make anyway.

These are??!  I think they have walnut in it, right?!

I don't know if these things are sweet or not....  I have no knowledge of any Greek food except kebabs and Greek yogurt!

Grilled quails again.  Don't think I've tasted these before...

Churros.  I was still in the States when I first tried this thing.  Topped w/ cinnamon powder and sugar, this fried dough is delicious!!

Here is another street shot.

Samosa? Must be huh?!

Whatever this is I have no clue,  but one thing for sure: no photo shoot as per the owner!  What so secret about this dish?  Well, I took the pic already anyway!  Mission accomplished!

Gyros stuff?!  If I know what's in it, I think I can make it myself!

Spanakopita!!  .....The spinach pastry looks so small this used to be a lot bigger in size...

Seeing this 'thing' again...I guess this thing must be very famous in Greek?!

More kebabs...

This booth is promoting the Hunger Games DVD which is releasing on Aug 18.  To attract teenagers, they have this shooting game: target the hole and shoot the marshmallow over!

Look at the marshmallow on the floor....  I'd rather eat it than playing w/ it....

Weather didn't get any better, but didn't get worse remained cloudy and windy.

Grilled quail.  Instead of grilling them on a spin, this chef grilled these quails as is.

Finished kebab....I wonder why I took a picture of this...

Peacock feather, price remained the same as last year.

A professional photographer.  He was taking picture of ?? and I was taking picture of him!  LOL!

Loukoumade, touloumbes and kourabiedes...and if you know what they are!

Must be Greek desserts...

Cream puff in Greek style??!

Everything $3, seems like this is a standard price everywhere.

Carrot cashew bites and ?? carrot salad?!!  Skip skip skip!!

Road Greek.

Greektown on The Danforth.

Chinese pork buns, Chinese fried noodles and Chinese fried squid tentacles.  This booth is selling Chinese food.

City TV truck.

Local retailers selling assorted fruits.

More goodies here!!

Interviewed by CP24, the restaurant owner was busy w/ the reporter, I took my chance and take pictures here!  =D

Here is a closer shot at the yummy kebab.

I was trying to take picture of the bubbles, if you can see it....

Toronto fire fighters stand by at the scene.

Gelato, these here look more attractive....

This restaurant is grilling massive kebabs here!!

4 chefs are working on two giant grills....

Looks yum~~


I never know what this thing is called, and I never know how to play this!!  Yet, this thing is huge!!

Making gyros again.

That dog is so cute~~~!!  Poor thing, must be tired walking around for the whole day!

Armchair quarterback challenge, that's all I know....

Cha-siu again~~~~  (just kidding~)  =D

Another local vendor selling assorted fruits.

It only takes him 10 seconds to open the coconut!!  How neat!!

Road closure from Jones to Broadview on Danforth, we can hang out safe here~~  =D


  1. I was there Sunday afternoon, sunny and warm, I think there were a whole lot more people than Saturday.

  2. What is the urine pan doing in the police booth?
