Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Downtown Lake Shore, Toronto

Living up in the north, I seldom go to Downtown Toronto.  Here are two main reasons of why I don't go DT often: crazy traffic and its hard to find a parking spot.  Since I was here today doing other stuff, I might as well travel around the city~  Well, its not too bad after all as long as you know your way, which in my case, I know where I'm going and where I wanna go.  =)  Don't know when my next visit to this area is gonna be but I'm pretty looking forward to it.  Very contradicting huh?!

Having fun at Downtown Toronto today!!  Can't believe it has changed so much w/ all sky high condos now!

Its a nice day today.  =)

Marina near HTO park.

Here is another shot.

Its fun playing here!!  Hee.....

Juvenile seagull.

Central Island.  I've been living in Canada for so many years but I haven't been to Central Island before.

Taking a walk here is very relaxing.

This is either part of the Central Island or Tommy Thompson Park.

Looked up and I saw this 'pat pat'~~

Seagull in flight searching for food!  Its a windy day, so the bird didn't move much in the sky and I was able to take this shot easily.

Ferry, going to Central Island??!  Never know where it goes...

Some sort of art work found at the Harbour Front ?? Exhibition Centre.

Quarters....why gluing a 'hook' to the quarter??!!

Saw this holy smoke giant fish swimming by at the marina...

That's the dock, see the size of the fish??!  Not too sure of what kind of fish this is, might be a carp?!

The size of this fish is a lot bigger than a duck!!

Seagulls resting on a roof.

Downtown area is crazily developed!

Toronto Police Marine Unit.

Boat satellite.

Can't imagine this duck is standing on a log fixing her feather here.

Hee....this one here is standing on a tire.

Canoe dock

A very long and interesting bench here.

OKay...lets move on to Sugar Beach.

This beach is right next to Corus Quay, a Canadian-based media & entertainment company.

...And guess what, you have to pay (of course) to enjoy the sun & beach here!

This beach is right across from Redpath sugar, that's why its called Sugar Beach.

Here is another shot at the Redpath sugar.

You can rent your own bike here as well, and return it at another location.  Yet, bike rental is quite expensive.

I wondered...why these boulders here and they have stripes on it too?!!

Ahhhh.........  That's interesting!!  =D

This is part of the beach view....hows that!!

Getting closer to the beach!!  Pink umbrellas, that's cute~

The beach isn't big at all, and the city has provided beach chairs and umbrellas here for whoever that needs it.

Though the beach is small, there are quite a lot of people here!!

And you know what?!  Behind the beach is this Corus Quay building....  OKay......

At least it has a nice view....this is Centre Island I think....

Too bad no swimming is allowed!!

Hey!!  No swimming!!  Don't dream birdie!!

Just in case if someone is not listening, here is the life safer.

An interesting bench.

Trees & path right next to the beach, its quite nice here actually.

Bored, you can play the piano here as well!!  I don't have the guts to do that in public!  =P  Or how about if I play a Chinese pop song here?!  LOL!

Telesat....  Or lets go Seti!!

The park that I wanted to go didn't open, so I came here: Outer Harbour Marina.

Water is calm, a pretty nice and relaxing view.

No need to go through any gate, you can walk as far as you want here!

Lets go fishing~~

Here is another shot at the marina.

Empty docks.

Saw several jumbo spider webs on my way~!!  Thanks God there is no spider here!!

More shots before I headed to the T&T Night Market.

Saw a lot of fries under the bridge, I wonder what kind of fries they are~  =)

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