Friday, April 27, 2012

Big Al's Aquarium, Mississauga

I needed to go to Mississauga this day, since I was in the area, I might as well stop by Big Al's.  As usual, I brought my camera with me when I walked in.  I ain't sure if they allow pictures or not inside the store but I do see people taking pictures of the tank anyway, besides, I don't use any flash light while taking pics, so I guess that's okay??!  I was planning to visit the Big Al's in Brampton that day as well but....neh, I passed.  Maybe next time...  =)

These shrimps, I don't know what they call exactly, can jump and move SO FAST!!!  o_O!!  **Apr 27, found the name!!  Camel shrimp!!  =D

Guess what this is!!  =D  Its some sort of puffer fish.  1, I don't know what's inside that hole that attracts this guy sooo much...  2, this fish's eye is metallic blue-green in color, and it sparks too!!  It reminds me of an alien~

....Looks as if he has swallowed a spider....2 spider legs were stuck outside his mouth...  This fish is cute, I looked at him and he kept swimming, but when my camera light beams on him, he stunned!!

One of my favorite:  Cardinalfish.  It looks like a battleship (from outer space) to me...

Clam??!  This thing is more than a clam...scallop maybe??!

Giant hermit crab....ewwww.....  Well, at least this guy post for me!  =D

No clue of what this fish is, some sort of fancy salt water coral fish...

Spotted stingray??!!  I wonder how big this stingray can grow up to?!

This fish looks so unhealthy...  Body color is fading and its so skinny....

Brazilian turtle, I used to have of them where I was young.

Spotted pleco?  That reminds me of my little drop dead bristlenose pleco...  =(

Um....big mouth spotted ??  Just joking, I made this up myself!  =P

I don't know the English name of this fish but this is one of the Chinese feng-shui fish.

I'm not focusing on the crab here, I'm focusing on the bio ball!  I wonder if that bio ball thing really works?!  We've thought of getting it from HK but the thing is we don't know how it works so we gave up...  Hahahahha!!

Angel Ram, something I might consider keeping.

Here is another shot.  I like this fish because its body is short, round, colorful and it has a vertical stripe through the eye, which looks like a burglar to me!  Hahahah!!

Semi fantail koi?!  I used to keep several Jap koi when I was young...

I took this shot 'coz I wanna take a picture of that jumbo Denisonii Barb.  It's huge compared to the others that's swimming in the same tank.

Plant, that's all I know.

Goldfish, I used to keep these at home too, but they don't last long.

I see predators here, these bastards are waiting for fish to swim by and snap.  Several of my fish were being killed in this way!!

My all time favorite:  balloon molly 波波.

Piranha, this one here looks pretty dull.  Look at its poor fin!!  o_O!

Discus, that's all I know...

Some sort of corydoras, I forgot the name.  Most of them are bottom feeders and they are supposed to stick to the bottom only...these one here are mid swimmers??! With Kribensis Cichlid~~

 These must be Yoyo's relatives!!  They look very alike, except these ones got more color and stripes on their body, longer in size, and they don't have that 'S' character on their forehead.

Blue Goruami, another type of fish that I've thought of keeping...

 German blue ram, this is something I'm planning to buy...  Its body should be a bit shorter and round, not like this one...long and slim...

 Here is another shot of the fish that's on my wish list~  Again, I like its vertical stripe through the eye.

I took this shot from the Blue Ram tank as well.  So...the ram goes well with gourami huh?!

My little pleco used to look very similar to this one here...  I gave it a Jap name: Hachi-chan.

 I don't know the English name of this fish, but it should be 娃娃魚 in Chinese.  Looks terrible!  I wouldn't wanna keep it for sure!!

Crab, I see these crabs for sale in Chinese aquariums, I bet they will become a new hit in the market here.

Jumbo ?? pleco.

Parrot cichlid.  Look at them, they're smiling at you!  =D

Juvenile Parkinson Rainbow, I wonder how long it takes for them to grow to full size...

Juvenile Green Moss Barb, it takes approx 3 months to double its size.

 This fellow's cage stinks!!  But to take this shot, I will tolerate the bad smell!!  At least I got him look into my camera!!  Hi there~~~~~~~~  ^^

 Looks fake?!  Neh, that's the real thing!!  I'm glad at least I'm not afraid of lizards...not when they're running!!  If you ask me to take a shot at a jumbo hairy spider, I will simply smack you and run away!  =P

 Ducks...I found them in the 'China Town Plaza' next to Big Al's, Mississauga.

 Ahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!! (Looking for fish??!  There is none here!!  Haha!!) Too bad I can't zoom any closer!!  Hahahhaha!!  That's kinda cute though~  =D


  1. 娃娃魚又名海狗魚是活化石,我都養過兩條由細養到大,足足有成尺長,最大可以大到五尺長,這條娃娃魚是 BB,娃娃魚唔係魚類而係兩棲動物,雖然又叫做海狗魚卻是淡水生物,在山溪生長屬於中國國寳之一,是受保護動物。


    1. 我都有見過在 Kennedy/14th 那間唐人超市(忘了名字)有活的娃娃魚賣,樣子恐怖看得心中發毛!五尺長的娃娃魚...就不是一條中形鱷魚的size差不多?!以前好像看電視也見過有種娃娃魚長年住在不透光的山洞水流中,由於不需要光,眼睛都退化了,好像都沒有眼睛吧?!細細條,卻沒有想到牠們能夠長得如此大!

    2. 就是那間超市是冠業超市不是華盛以前是金山。

  2. 咁多品種, 要記得哂啲名都唔簡單.

  3. 今個周末又想到 Big Al 買魚,不過次次喺 Big Al 買嚫啲魚除咗兩條 Gold Gourmais 外全部都擺唔倒幾耐,反而喺 Pet Smart 同唐人魚舖買嗰啲就無乜事。

    1. 你係咪要檢討吓自已養魚嘅方法.

    2. 我諗唔係我問題而係 Big Al 嘅問題,我買嗰啲都係減價魚,全部都係啱啱運嚟,可能都未暈完車浪或機浪甚至有機會是病魚。

    3. Dan哥,咁你又唔好睇小MJ,佢養魚好叻㗎,係專家級! =)

    4. 不過買咗之後都變咗係我問題 :(

    5. 嘩!幾時升呢變咗專家,重跟妳學緊嘢 :)

    6. 你地兩個唔好推嚟推去啦, 好似啲婆仔爭埋單咁, 兩位响我心目中都係專家.

  4. Here are some articles about bio balls, also You Tube instructions how to make home-made bio balls, when making your own, use nylon tie-up instead of elastic band, elastics will break in a couple weeks.

    I am using Trickle Filtration System with 4" foam filter, 2" activated carbon and 2" of Amrid Ammonia Remover。The foam filter works as effectively as bio balls, so I may not need bio balls, but some still use bio balls as a combination.

    Not sure if I am going to Big Al today, there are fish I want to get :)

  5. 娃娃鱼

    1. 多謝你!除了更了解這種魚外又學多個英文字:Salamander. =)

    2. 那段娃娃魚video已看!的確很大條也看得驚心!!當老頭子把那根刷頭向着那條變種哥斯拉一篤時,哥斯拉半個翻身,不僅把拿著camera的人嚇了一跳,連我自己都嚇到彈起!o_O!

  6. 妳就買得開心啦,我就諗盡借口想去 Big Al 睇下都唔得 (唯有諗下),老婆大人勒令暫時唔俾買新魚,佢話已經有咁多魚而且就嚟放幾星期假重買咁多魚邊個同我照顧啲魚。

    其實我個魚缸咁大只得二十幾條小魚點算多?我雖然鐘意拗頸,但唯一拗唔過嘅人就係佢。。無法 :(

    PS。 穿雲箭還健在否?

    1. 今天看穿雲好像已經好轉,牠前兩天換完水後失去平衡,成支筆咁插喺道,嚇死我!!搖搖就慘了,本來好端端在大缸游來游去,怎知牠常追魚作樂,攪到的魚驚哂佢,而我又看得火滾... 夫君大怒,把牠掉進細缸與新買的兩條 green spotted puffer (是否又叫金鼓?)一齊住,等牠可以制衡吓那兩條小惡霸!!輪到我驚嘞!搖搖進細缸後立即退色!!身上那些像謎宮一樣的黑色花紋退得差點變成慘白色!我幾驚佢有事啊... 隔了十多分鐘牠情況好轉,但樣子超沮喪!大缸沒有了搖搖啲魚游得很自在,連平常少見或半死的魚現在都很生猛!!

      你老婆大人說得對,放幾星期假就唔好買魚住啦!買了魚又不能打理啲魚會很慘的!不過這些日子不能買魚又確實係幾慘的~ 睇我個blog算啦,呢排我會不停係咁講魚~~ PS,這個週末我添了十條魚!!哈哈~

  7. Your water plant, Microsorum Pteropus also known as Java Fern

    Java Fern is a beautiful addition to the freshwater, planted aquarium. Growing around 8 inches tall, with creeping, green rhizomes, Java Ferns are well suited for not only planted aquariums, but also those that contain cichlids and other large South American fish.
    Java Ferns will do well if planted in moderate light as well as in a shaded area. It is amphibious, meaning that it will grow either partially or fully submersed. Provide at least 2 watts per gallon of light supplied by full spectrum (5000-7000K) bulbs.

    Java Ferns will thrive in an aquarium with an alkalinity of 3-8 dKH and a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. They will propagate by adventitious plants on leaves & roots, and rhizome division may also be seen. Java Fern looks great planted singly, or in groups if there is enough room in the aquarium

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