Friday, April 27, 2012

Big Al's Aquarium, Mississauga

I needed to go to Mississauga this day, since I was in the area, I might as well stop by Big Al's.  As usual, I brought my camera with me when I walked in.  I ain't sure if they allow pictures or not inside the store but I do see people taking pictures of the tank anyway, besides, I don't use any flash light while taking pics, so I guess that's okay??!  I was planning to visit the Big Al's in Brampton that day as well but....neh, I passed.  Maybe next time...  =)

These shrimps, I don't know what they call exactly, can jump and move SO FAST!!!  o_O!!  **Apr 27, found the name!!  Camel shrimp!!  =D

Guess what this is!!  =D  Its some sort of puffer fish.  1, I don't know what's inside that hole that attracts this guy sooo much...  2, this fish's eye is metallic blue-green in color, and it sparks too!!  It reminds me of an alien~

....Looks as if he has swallowed a spider....2 spider legs were stuck outside his mouth...  This fish is cute, I looked at him and he kept swimming, but when my camera light beams on him, he stunned!!

One of my favorite:  Cardinalfish.  It looks like a battleship (from outer space) to me...

Clam??!  This thing is more than a clam...scallop maybe??!

Giant hermit crab....ewwww.....  Well, at least this guy post for me!  =D

No clue of what this fish is, some sort of fancy salt water coral fish...

Spotted stingray??!!  I wonder how big this stingray can grow up to?!

This fish looks so unhealthy...  Body color is fading and its so skinny....

Brazilian turtle, I used to have of them where I was young.

Spotted pleco?  That reminds me of my little drop dead bristlenose pleco...  =(

Um....big mouth spotted ??  Just joking, I made this up myself!  =P

I don't know the English name of this fish but this is one of the Chinese feng-shui fish.

I'm not focusing on the crab here, I'm focusing on the bio ball!  I wonder if that bio ball thing really works?!  We've thought of getting it from HK but the thing is we don't know how it works so we gave up...  Hahahahha!!

Angel Ram, something I might consider keeping.

Here is another shot.  I like this fish because its body is short, round, colorful and it has a vertical stripe through the eye, which looks like a burglar to me!  Hahahah!!

Semi fantail koi?!  I used to keep several Jap koi when I was young...

I took this shot 'coz I wanna take a picture of that jumbo Denisonii Barb.  It's huge compared to the others that's swimming in the same tank.

Plant, that's all I know.

Goldfish, I used to keep these at home too, but they don't last long.

I see predators here, these bastards are waiting for fish to swim by and snap.  Several of my fish were being killed in this way!!

My all time favorite:  balloon molly 波波.

Piranha, this one here looks pretty dull.  Look at its poor fin!!  o_O!

Discus, that's all I know...

Some sort of corydoras, I forgot the name.  Most of them are bottom feeders and they are supposed to stick to the bottom only...these one here are mid swimmers??! With Kribensis Cichlid~~

 These must be Yoyo's relatives!!  They look very alike, except these ones got more color and stripes on their body, longer in size, and they don't have that 'S' character on their forehead.

Blue Goruami, another type of fish that I've thought of keeping...

 German blue ram, this is something I'm planning to buy...  Its body should be a bit shorter and round, not like this one...long and slim...

 Here is another shot of the fish that's on my wish list~  Again, I like its vertical stripe through the eye.

I took this shot from the Blue Ram tank as well.  So...the ram goes well with gourami huh?!

My little pleco used to look very similar to this one here...  I gave it a Jap name: Hachi-chan.

 I don't know the English name of this fish, but it should be 娃娃魚 in Chinese.  Looks terrible!  I wouldn't wanna keep it for sure!!

Crab, I see these crabs for sale in Chinese aquariums, I bet they will become a new hit in the market here.

Jumbo ?? pleco.

Parrot cichlid.  Look at them, they're smiling at you!  =D

Juvenile Parkinson Rainbow, I wonder how long it takes for them to grow to full size...

Juvenile Green Moss Barb, it takes approx 3 months to double its size.

 This fellow's cage stinks!!  But to take this shot, I will tolerate the bad smell!!  At least I got him look into my camera!!  Hi there~~~~~~~~  ^^

 Looks fake?!  Neh, that's the real thing!!  I'm glad at least I'm not afraid of lizards...not when they're running!!  If you ask me to take a shot at a jumbo hairy spider, I will simply smack you and run away!  =P

 Ducks...I found them in the 'China Town Plaza' next to Big Al's, Mississauga.

 Ahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!! (Looking for fish??!  There is none here!!  Haha!!) Too bad I can't zoom any closer!!  Hahahhaha!!  That's kinda cute though~  =D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beef Jerky Cubes 五香牛肉粒(超、超、超級好味!!)

上次所發的豬肉乾(條狀)帖只有幾張照片,沒有食譜也沒有登出製作過程。今次學乖了,把所有材料和步驟一一公開不敢怠慢!做這個牛肉粒母親大人說一定要用牛脾肉(試過用豬肉去整但效果不理想,肉粒會散開!),此外都沒有什麼特別要注意的事項了。這個牛肉粒的味道與在外面買的牛肉乾味道非常像樣,個人認為沒有十足都有九成似!如果可以諗多小小會比較好(拍扁吓佢等佢吸多啲汁得唔得?) =D  食譜由母親大人的朋友 auntie Michelle 提供(聽說她特意去上堂學呢!)。多謝 auntie~~!!=D


牛肉粒切粒          4 磅 (牛脾肉)                         魚露                   6 湯匙
生抽                     2 湯匙                                      糖                       250 g
五香粉                 半茶匙                                     咖哩粉               一茶匙
辣椒粉                 半茶匙 (依各人喜好可加多或減少)


準備切粒(請問:切粒與切丁有什麼分別?我認識的 '丁' 是正方形粒粒...?!)。


繼續切,繼續切! =D


完成~ (照片著不到牛肉的血紅色...變成了'暗瓦'色...只怪自己功力不夠!)








食譜說要炒30分鐘,我見母親大人只炒了十多分鐘(懶人開大火嘛! 嘻~)

好,夠乾身啦~  =)

完成~ (我經已不停在偷食!!)




放入焗爐用慢火(275F) 烘至乾,約需30分鐘。



