Thursday, November 24, 2011

Korean Supermarket - Pat Market, Thornhill

There are five Pat Market locations around town and the one I've visited today is located at Yonge  & Glen Cameron.  I wasn't planning for a visit but the restaurant I wanna go hasn't opened yet at the time when I've arrived, so I took a walk at the market to kill time.  Supermarket is one of the place I like to visit, especially those Japs and Korean ones.  I only took some pictures here 'coz I didn't plan to take any at first, but I had my camera with me so I took the advantage of it.  =)

 I can't read Korean at all, and worse part is I can't guess it's meaning!

 These food looks yum to me.  I should have take more pics of these cooked food but a staff was standing right in front of me so I just snapped and leave.

 Their short ribs always look fresh and yum, but expensive.

 I wonder if this cake taste good or not...  Mmmm....

 A whole cart of fortune cookies, each bag is only costing $2.99!  I'm feeling so fortunate now!  LOL!

 I always see these 'puffy balls' but I never know how they taste like...

 Korean snacks.

 These are glutinous bread mix.  I bought a pack and made these breads myself long time ago.  Well, the bread texture was pretty chewy and tasted very different from our Chinese buns.  Worth a try!

 What attracts me is this package's picture!!!  Looks so yum!!  These are bread crumbs.

 All sorts of red hot chili powder!!

 I wonder what these are...some sort of 'milk'??!

 Assorted imported drinks.

 Korean veggie dumplings.  To me, Korean dumplings look good but didn't taste that good 'coz they don't add meat inside.  I think I can do better than them here...  Haha!!

 Wasabi oil, I have one at home too!!  Super hot and spicy worse than dipping the real wasabi!  Oh gosh!

 Sakura shrimp paste??!  This is one of the ingredient for making Kimchi.

 These are Kimchi ingredients too.

 It was cold and windy outside the market.  These leafs and loose paper were spinning like crazy but when I got my camera and ready to take the shot, all wind died down....

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