Friday, August 12, 2011

Crayfish Molting

My Electric Blue Crayfish just molted again today.  I still feel very awkward to see it molt....last time it molted was a little more than 2 months ago.  As usual, my husband played with the molted shell and I took pictures of it...  Different from the previous time, the molted shell was kind of 'slimy' at the tail this time (Ewwww......!!!)  I was able to take several pictures of it before it break and fall. =)

Looking at my crayfish first thing in the morning, it has molted!!

 I took these pictures in front of my fish tank's lid so that I have a black background!  LOL!

 It looks kinda gross...

 A side shot of the molt.  See the 'slimy' thing hanging at the tail?!  Ewwww...

 This is a shot from the back of the crayfish molt.

 The molt looks pretty complete.

 Here is another side shot.

 My crayfish looks normal and healthy after the molt.  To me, I don't see that it's has grow any bigger in size.

 My husband was changing water for the crayfish, so he put it in a sink and let it swim for a bit.

 A closer shot of the crayfish...

Here is another shot.

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