Monday, January 30, 2012

Home Made Tomato Noodle

Bored at home and I got nothing to do...  Mom doesn't want me to make her breads anymore, she has decided to buy them from grocery stores (How Sad!!).  Browsing through the internet, I came across a Jap site where they teach you how to make Udon.  It doesn't seems hard at all so I've decided to modify the recipe a bit and make my own noodle.  I call it 'noodle' instead of 'udon', 'coz it doesn't look like udon at all...  Well, practise makes perfect!  Haha!!  Will try harder next time!  LOL!!

 250g flour + 10g salt + around 150ml tomato juice + a little water.  (I might have added too much liquid here)

 Mix everything well together, put the dough in a thick plastic bag (seal tight) and step on it for 20-30 minutes.

 Let the dough rest for an hour.  I've rested it over night here.

 Roll the dough into a sheet, according to the thickness you like.

 Cut it into strips.

 Flour it a bit...

Dump the noodle into the hot boiling water.  My husband has added some oil to the water here.

 Boil it for about 5 minutes or until soft.

 Looks good to me...  =)

 Done!!  Wahahaha!!

Here is a closer shot at my noodle.  It's not as smooth as I've expected, and it only has a very light tomato flavor.  A few noodle pieces break easily which  I don't know why, and it's texture is not 'gummy' enough.


  1. 嘩 拾捌砵果然了得, 返工得, 寫blog得, 煮嘢又得, 世間奇才.


  2. 所要用的電腦 software down咗,我在靜坐中,還要戰戰競競因為肥婆心情欠佳,我悶死了!! =)

  3. 都幾似涼拌海蛰!LOL

