Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow Day

We didn't have a lot of heavy snow in Toronto this year, perhaps once or twice that's it.  I got up early in the morning and was surprised to see its all white outside!  Snow was like 2-3 inches thick and it was still snowing...those big flaky ones!!  Well, it wasn't too cold outside so I took a walk nearby, and brought my camera with me of course.  I was out for 2 hours, taking pictures, walking in the park, throwing snow balls (at my husband) and building my little 'snow dragon'!  =D  Snowing is not that bad afterall!

February 18, 2012

First picture taken when I walked out of my place.

Look at the bench that's all covered in snow!  That's crazy!

Snow was fluffy and light.

It was snowing heavily while I was taking these pictures.

Too bad it wasn't a sunny day...

Um...that's a bit too much snow here huh!

Thick snow...

There are 2 inches of snow on top of this pine tree.

This section was sort of hide in the middle of the tree, so it didn't have much snow on it.

It wasn't too cold outside while I was taking these pictures.

I've decided to take a walk nearby.

Guess what this is!!

Tire track!  Haha!

These shots are easy to take!

I walked to the park across from where I live...

More snow here!!  More crazy!

A closer shot at plant here...

Heheh...  Walked to a football field...these are my footprints~  I was trying to do a snow-lollipop here.  Honestly, I was quite dizzy after I did this!  @@

See how thick the snow is!!

...And I made this!  Hahahahha!!!

This thing is meant to be a dragon...  Hahahahhaah!!

Snowman...made by some kids.

Took these pictures in the park...

Too bad there aren't much stuff to take...

These snow melted in the same afternoon, I was glad that I've made an effort to take a walk in the park early that morning!

Pine tree cover with snow, I see this everywhere today.

...What a mess....  LOL!

Saw these decorations outside my place so I took some pictures of them.

Still feel very Christmas...

Snow is starting to melt.

You can tell how the wind blows here...

Too bad this shot was not clear.

Neat huh!

February 19, 2012
 It's a nice fine day today, but extremely cold!

 As you can see snow is starting to melt.

 The sun is not shining directly on the snow yet.

 Ice crystal, how nice.

 I crossed the road and went to the park nearby, it has more sunlight there.

 Mini pine cones.

 Snow started to melt from the middle.

 I was glad there weren't anyone around me while I took these pics!

 Ice melts fast, see the drip?!

 It was freezing cold out here and guess what?!  I was wearing shorts inside...LOL!

 This snowman is getting bigger in size!  Haha!!

 My 'dragon' has melted, this is what has left over...

 Dog prints

 I wish the weather is like this everyday!

 Water freeze from the edge of a drainage.

See how cold it is!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the new layout, very fancy :D, keep up the good work :D

