Saturday, February 4, 2012

Magnet Collection

Mom used to be a crazy magnet collector and she has all sorts of magnets on her fridge.  She has now stopped collecting magnets 'coz she has no more space on her fridge to put them!  Haha!!  Bored at her house doing nothing, I ended up taking pictures of whatever that's available within my reach.  I'm only posting some of her collections here...  PS, still trying to figure out of how I can take close shots without getting the picture blurry... 








 Red pepper

 Water chestnut

 Red bell pepper



 Green bell pepper



 Star fruit







 Carrot - which I got this from Las Vegas

 Potato - got it from Las Vegas too

 Mom has kept this thing for many years.

Canned fish - got this from Las Vegas as well.

 Teppan meal #1

 Teppan meal #2

 Teppan meal #3

 Teppan meal #4


 Apple sauce??!


Canned veggies


Some sort of egg craft...

 Phantom of the opera??!!  Neh, just kidding.

 Magnet from France

 Mom seems to like this magnet so much, it looks like Michael Jackson's jacket to me...

 From Paris as well.

 This one must be from New York

 From Netherlands?

 Mom must have got this from the States.

 This one is from SF obviously...

 Mom said this thing is from my cousin.


 =)  =)

 Mom's wine cork collection.

 Some sort of ?? plant...

 Going home! Yay!!

 My husband just washed his car and there were still water droplets on the sunroof.

Too bad it's a cloudy day today~~


  1. Great collection ! I like her Perfume Sample Collection as well....too bad " used to be " Sigh !


  2. Look 18boot...your mom can use her cork collection to do some of these....


    1. Thanks for the site!! I like that bathmat actually! =D I have some corks at home too but I don't have enough to do the mat that's the problem~
