Monday, April 11, 2011

Canadian Geese Hatching

Canadian geese migrate to the south during winter time and come back during Spring time to nest and breed.  These two geese just happened to nest outside my office - lucky!  Before she sits on her usual 'nest ground', she likes to choose a vehicle that's close by to her nest and sit on it, for hours...  Behind her is the male on guard.

Sees me and flare!!

As she is getting more ready, she will return to her nest and sits there for about a little more than a month - regardless of the weather condition!

After a few weeks greens started to sprout and she is almost there!!

 Her eggs had hatched and I think she got 6 or 7 ducklets this year.  These ducklets usually hide under her arm for warmth and come out for a sunbath during nice weather.

 Resting all the time since these ducklets are too young to walk for any long distance.

It's time to go!  They usually leave the nest 2-3 days after their ducklets are hatched, and they usually pick up more 'lost kids' once they are out on their own.  I've seen a pair of geese escorting close to 20 ducklets!  That's pretty amazing!

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