Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Aquarium

Taking picture of my fish is always a challenge to me, especially I only have this Sony something Cyber Shot digital camera.  Worse part is, I don't really know how to program my camera to suit my need.  The only thing I know is to switch it to auto mode and let it do it's job (that's why you never see me posting night photos 'coz I don't know how to take it with my camera and I don't want to read the manuals)

 My Takashi Amano shrimp hiding in the greens eating his flake food.

 Flower shrimp opened up his fan-like appendages to catch microscopes.

 Pregnant Takashi Amano shrimp carrying her eggs underneath her belly.

 I call this one '叢林之神'.  Peppered Cory hiding in the 'bushes' just to avoid any harassment from my Yoyo!

 Forgot the name of this Cory.  Don't think this is a Sterbai.

 Those pictures above weren't too hard to take 'coz those fish just simply sits there.  Picture of these balloon mollies are so damned hard to take!!  This white one I call it '大Jur 咀'!  She is pretty cute when eating, she sucks the rock and the plant pretty hard to get her food.

 Male dalmatian balloon molly, or it's a she?? - my lance can't get any closer...

 Find this Amano pretty cute when she is grabbing the edge of a leaf.  Carrying eggs too!

 網中魚 - to avoid any harassment from my Yoyo, this Cory chose to hide in the breeding net.

 Male guppy - it was pretty lucky that I could take this shot, he wasn't moving much.

 Sigh...see the reflection of my camera?  Told you I don't know how to take good pictures..  This one here is a Sunset Tuxedo platy which I pretty like.

 This is another lucky shot.  Black Phantom Tetra - they usually swim very fast.

 Definitely a male dalmatian balloon molly.  This fellow swam towards me for several times while I was taking picture of the tank. So 八掛!!

  This lazy flying fox 一線飛狐 always like to rest on a leaf!!

 Up-side-down Cat.  Swim up-side-down, hide up-side-down but I don't think it eats up-side-down though.

40 gallon community tank.  The blue net on the left is the breeding net, which my Peppered Cory, Flying Fox and Barbs like hide in there.  PS, I used to trap my naughty Yoyo inside the breeding net, but not anymore now 'coz he has learnt his lesson hard and never swim close to the net!

Another shot of the community tank without the breeding net.

Jun 19: My husband has rearranged the water wisteria (the one in the middle) in the 40 gallon tank, providing a better shelter for the shrimps.  PS, those 4 fast blurry swimmers above the water wisteria are Congo Tetras.

10 gallon bare bottom fry tank.  I've got guppy fries, balloon molly fries (just a few) and platy fries (those orange one - they are dwarf sunsets).  I've also got some small cherry red shrimp fries in the breeding net on the right.

Picture of one of the platty fry, really hard to get this steady post!

20 gallon live bearing tank.  I got some Guppies, Balloon Mollies and Platies here with several kinds of Cory: Sterbai, Panda, Peppered, Bandit and one I forgot it's name....  I don't know how to fix the plant in this tank and my husband does not allow me to get the plant food...  Perhaps I will get some leafy plants later. 

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