Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Toogood Pond Park, Markham (Winter)

My husband needs to go to a dealership today but I don't want to go with him, so I went to the nearby Toogood pond and take a walk.  Walking under -20°C is not a fun thing...  I was expecting myself walking 2 circles but I ended up only walked 1/4 circle...  Freezing to death, I couldn't feel my nose or ears, and my camera nearly got malfunctioned!  Just to write a blog and I treated myself like this...I must be going insane!  ( ゚д゚)!

 The pond is all cover with snow.

 Ice is really thin and I didn't dare to step on it.

 Here is another side of the pond.

 A closer shot at the ice surface.

 So cold.....

 Yeah, let's go ice fishing!!

 A closer shot at the rear end of the pond.

 So silent and freezing cold!!

 I wonder what kind of leafs these are....

 Here is a closer shot of the dried leafs, all dried and dead....

 This is some sort of dried seeds.

 Does it look like I'm lost in the forest??!!

 I like walking on this little bridge here, but only during summer time!

 Can't believe it has those cracking noise when I step on the wood, as if it's gonna fall apart soon!

 Freezing cold, my camera nearly got malfunctioned!

 All weeds are dead and covered with snow...

Water is all freeze!!

 Here is the other side of the stream

 A closer shot at the freeze stream.

 Cattail patch

 Busted cattails.

 It's freezing cold and I don't think I can continue walking anymore, it's time to go back!!

 Another angle looking at the bridge.

 Taking a photo at the freeze stream again.

 Here is a closer shot at the surface.

 I'm all alone in the park...

 A closer shot at a tree bark.

 Lonely paw print.

Let's go~~  Freeze to death!!


  1. What kind of car you got?


  2. Sigh, a crappy car which I don't like... Have a guess: '逃亡'.
