Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chinese New Year Apples, Decor & Buns

What made me do this blog?!!  Apples!!  LOL!  I was having fun at the new T&T at Woodbine/16th Ave., sneaking around to take pictures of these 'worded' apples and other stuff.  These fruits must be imported from Taiwan or China 'coz I don't think farmers in here will do these things!!  LOL!!  Well, they obviously look nice from outside, but I'm sure they taste the same once you've peeled the skin!  $13.99 per box still on Saturday but price has been reduced to $9.99 on Sunday, who's gonna buy it?

Have you ever seen apples that have words on it??!

$13.99 per box and you get 12 counts, will you buy it??

Nevertheless these are only imported Fiji apples I think....  PS, they better last 'til Valentine's day!  LOL!

Imprinting characters on apple is not hard to make, just carve a character on a dark color paper/plastic piece and stick it on the apple before it's full grown on the tree, so that the 'character' does not expose to any sun light.  Eventually it will become lighter in color and the rest of the apple will turn red like normal.

Yet, I guess this requires a lot of skills, time and technique to do it.

Plastic arowana decor!  It looks so funny but honestly, I don't like its red eyes.  This kind of fish is hard to keep and it's expensive too!  Arowana keep their fries in their mouth during danger and release them once safe.  Guess what, we nearly bought a cheap small silver arowana but too bad we already have enough tanks at home so we didn't buy it!  =)

This decor comes in 4 words, in a string: 招財進寶.  I have no time taking pics of the other 3 words so I just took a snap at this word: 寶!  Feel so Chinese New Year huh!!  LOL!!

Chinese lion dance puppet, I've seen these in red and white too.

OKay, buns time!!  What does it look like??!!  Panda!!  Honestly, this thing is so easy to make!!

Pumpkin buns?!  Look nice but sound gross...

This thing: flower steamed bun with date, I wonder what's inside....and how it taste like.  Um...what's this thing for anyway??!

Here is another angle.  This bun must be pretty hard to make huh??!

Chinese birthday buns, squeezed!

Guess what this thing is promoting!  Peanut butter!!  LOL!!

I took this shot while I was on my way home from work.  It was a nice sunny day and I was sitting in the car waiting for the red light to turn green.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I would buy those apples. Must be some kind invention form chemical genius.

