Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blue Crayfish + Miscellaneous

Haven't really been writing blog lately 'coz I didn't eat out much and I don't have any topics to write...  My mom's crayfish finally molted after almost half a year of long wait, and here it is I've taken some pictures of it.  I don't know why Mom's crayfish turned orange after it has molted...it looks awkward to be honest...  Besides those crayfish pictures, I've also included some misc pictures here which I took while I was bored-dead at my mom's place waiting for her 'cake' to be baked...

Here she is, freshly molted for only an hour or so.

Her shell is still soft and she is feeling very insecure, but we don't have her new 'hiding leaf' in stock  at the moment...

She should be electric blue in color but I don't know how she turned into orange after being molted...

Honestly, I don't really know how to differentiate this as a male or a female, but my husband said this is a female....

I was once told that to differentiate a male from a female, just look at it's legs or something...

She is not eating, that's what I can tell!!

It's winter time now and I guess they don't really eat much during the season?!  Or it's because the water temperature is too cold??!

We didn't dare to get her into mating, just don't want both of her claws to be clipped off and eventually killed herself...

I guess crayfish overall has a lifespan of 3 years?!  The slower they molt, the longer lifespan they can get...  This crayfish here only molted for 3 or 4 times over the year.

She hide between those 2 rocks after we've removed her leaf...

Mom's crayfish and her molted shell.

Thanks to my husband in scaring her more by putting her on his palm!!

Here is a closer shot at her molted shell.

Bored, waiting for my mom's 'pudding' and I took random pics at her house!

Mom's school bus collection!  LOL!!

Here is another one...

Bored, I'm still waiting for her 'pudding'...  Random shot at her pot of Orchid.

Mom got this cookie jar from Calgary a million years ago...

Bored....tell me when the 'pudding' is done...  'Wheat'.

I was getting insane...taking picture of whatever that's in font of me....  'Dried fish'.

Here is an unknown dried plant that my Mom has hand picked from no where....

Guess what these are!!  Buttons!!!  Yeah...million years old buttons...

Okay, this is what I've been waiting for...  It's a Casava or Casablanca cake whatever it is...didn't taste good to me... 

I was told that this cake is a Philippine dessert.  This thing is very filling, it has a light coconut milk flavor, not very sweet (my mom didn't add a lot of sugar to it), texture...um...like eating hard sticky rice balls...

Sorry to say but this thing is not my cup of tea...

1 comment:

  1. been reading your blog for a while

    apparently I have a few blue electric crayfish too, but much bigger

    actually you shouldnt have taken her out since she is still in frightening stage, it is good to have a hiding place, as they tend to hide once they molted

    And also rumour that as they eat their own shell, they get more colourful, not sure if it's true, but I do follow that
