Bored at home and I got nothing to do... Mom doesn't want me to make her breads anymore, she has decided to buy them from grocery stores (How Sad!!). Browsing through the internet, I came across a Jap site where they teach you how to make Udon. It doesn't seems hard at all so I've decided to modify the recipe a bit and make my own noodle. I call it 'noodle' instead of 'udon', 'coz it doesn't look like udon at all... Well, practise makes perfect! Haha!! Will try harder next time! LOL!!
250g flour + 10g salt + around 150ml tomato juice + a little water. (I might have added too much liquid here)
Mix everything well together, put the dough in a thick plastic bag (seal tight) and step on it for 20-30 minutes.
Let the dough rest for an hour. I've rested it over night here.
Roll the dough into a sheet, according to the thickness you like.
Cut it into strips.
Flour it a bit...
Dump the noodle into the hot boiling water. My husband has added some oil to the water here.
Boil it for about 5 minutes or until soft.
Looks good to me... =)
Done!! Wahahaha!!
Here is a closer shot at my noodle. It's not as smooth as I've expected, and it only has a very light tomato flavor. A few noodle pieces break easily which I don't know why, and it's texture is not 'gummy' enough.
我喜歡拍照,也喜歡寫作。照片拍得多了存於電腦中,自己又不會有什麼時間翻看,倒不如放上網上公諸同好~ 寫作方面呢,其實只是想練習一下拼音打字和中文而已。。。兩種嗜好拼在一起,還有什麼比寫網誌好?!哈哈~~
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
繼龍年大年初一被公司裏的老佛爺質食死貓後,昨天年初五又在 Steeles/Yonge 發生撞車事件( 不是我 at fault )... 落地不夠兩個星期的新車就這樣被撞了... 唉~~ 好沮喪... 撞我的人是個四十來歲的中東人,他倒算有心,下車第一句就問我有沒有事然後跟我道歉... 我都不好意思變得太潑婦。我的車不算撞得太傷,他的車可慘:左前邊 bumper 大爆裂,還有一塊就甩嘅 bumper 半天吊... 他說路面滑有冰雨,車不聽話就一下子撞過來... 還說我不該這麼快就 cut 出去轉左線。說到尾我都是在走直線呀~ 吼~~
8:15am, 返工途中。我在 Yonge St. 南行駛到 Steeles 將近紅綠燈位準備轉左時突然有部車 '砰' 一聲撞正我部車的後乘客車門... 擺明冇睇 blind spot 啦... 囧~~~~~~~~~~~!!
可能正在發白日夢,而且被撞後車身沒有太大的震動,所以我不以為意。直到一兩秒後我才醒起好想被人撞了,才停下來下車看看.... 好像撞得不太傷: 加埋泥水只見後邊右乘客車門被撞凹少少,冇乜刮花!
下班後首先去了 '口水佬' 的 body shop quote 個 fixing cost,然後去本車的 dealership quote 價,最後比比面去了這個中東人相熟的 body shop quote 價... <把車洗香香後凹凸痕更加明顯 。>
估吓呢個 damage 要整幾多錢!!嘻嘻~~~ 本來我們以為三四百可以了事,因為就這樣看上去只是傷了車門... 可惜此次碰撞他也撞花了車門則邊那條細 panel,更大鑊嘅係刮花埋那個 rear quarter panel(花咗兩點!)。車門要整塊換... Quote 價成為千六!(口水佬 quote 千三 cash 價,dealership quote 千六,中東佬的 body shop quote 千五,算公道)私下賠不了他叫我過他保險...搏命道歉,算君子了。
看到車身左邊 panel 那兩點跟花痕嗎?不是因為花了那個地方可能可以早早了事... 為了那兩點,他叫我去 collision center 報案從而可以 claim 保險。可是警察沒有受理,說車身損壞所要更換的part 的價錢加起來不超過一千,所以只是幫我們交換資料了事...
沮喪了整天總要寬代自己~~ 呵呵~~晚上去了 Sano 吃~
8:15am, 返工途中。我在 Yonge St. 南行駛到 Steeles 將近紅綠燈位準備轉左時突然有部車 '砰' 一聲撞正我部車的後乘客車門... 擺明冇睇 blind spot 啦... 囧~~~~~~~~~~~!!
可能正在發白日夢,而且被撞後車身沒有太大的震動,所以我不以為意。直到一兩秒後我才醒起好想被人撞了,才停下來下車看看.... 好像撞得不太傷: 加埋泥水只見後邊右乘客車門被撞凹少少,冇乜刮花!
下班後首先去了 '口水佬' 的 body shop quote 個 fixing cost,然後去本車的 dealership quote 價,最後比比面去了這個中東人相熟的 body shop quote 價... <把車洗香香後凹凸痕更加明顯 。>
估吓呢個 damage 要整幾多錢!!嘻嘻~~~ 本來我們以為三四百可以了事,因為就這樣看上去只是傷了車門... 可惜此次碰撞他也撞花了車門則邊那條細 panel,更大鑊嘅係刮花埋那個 rear quarter panel(花咗兩點!)。車門要整塊換... Quote 價成為千六!(口水佬 quote 千三 cash 價,dealership quote 千六,中東佬的 body shop quote 千五,算公道)私下賠不了他叫我過他保險...搏命道歉,算君子了。
看到車身左邊 panel 那兩點跟花痕嗎?不是因為花了那個地方可能可以早早了事... 為了那兩點,他叫我去 collision center 報案從而可以 claim 保險。可是警察沒有受理,說車身損壞所要更換的part 的價錢加起來不超過一千,所以只是幫我們交換資料了事...
沮喪了整天總要寬代自己~~ 呵呵~~晚上去了 Sano 吃~
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Chinese New Year Apples, Decor & Buns
What made me do this blog?!! Apples!! LOL! I was having fun at the new T&T at Woodbine/16th Ave., sneaking around to take pictures of these 'worded' apples and other stuff. These fruits must be imported from Taiwan or China 'coz I don't think farmers in here will do these things!! LOL!! Well, they obviously look nice from outside, but I'm sure they taste the same once you've peeled the skin! $13.99 per box still on Saturday but price has been reduced to $9.99 on Sunday, who's gonna buy it?
Have you ever seen apples that have words on it??!
$13.99 per box and you get 12 counts, will you buy it??
Nevertheless these are only imported Fiji apples I think.... PS, they better last 'til Valentine's day! LOL!
Imprinting characters on apple is not hard to make, just carve a character on a dark color paper/plastic piece and stick it on the apple before it's full grown on the tree, so that the 'character' does not expose to any sun light. Eventually it will become lighter in color and the rest of the apple will turn red like normal.
Yet, I guess this requires a lot of skills, time and technique to do it.
Plastic arowana decor! It looks so funny but honestly, I don't like its red eyes. This kind of fish is hard to keep and it's expensive too! Arowana keep their fries in their mouth during danger and release them once safe. Guess what, we nearly bought a cheap small silver arowana but too bad we already have enough tanks at home so we didn't buy it! =)
This decor comes in 4 words, in a string: 招財進寶. I have no time taking pics of the other 3 words so I just took a snap at this word: 寶! Feel so Chinese New Year huh!! LOL!!
Chinese lion dance puppet, I've seen these in red and white too.
OKay, buns time!! What does it look like??!! Panda!! Honestly, this thing is so easy to make!!
Pumpkin buns?! Look nice but sound gross...
This thing: flower steamed bun with date, I wonder what's inside....and how it taste like. Um...what's this thing for anyway??!
Here is another angle. This bun must be pretty hard to make huh??!
Chinese birthday buns, squeezed!
Guess what this thing is promoting! Peanut butter!! LOL!!
$13.99 per box and you get 12 counts, will you buy it??
Nevertheless these are only imported Fiji apples I think.... PS, they better last 'til Valentine's day! LOL!
Imprinting characters on apple is not hard to make, just carve a character on a dark color paper/plastic piece and stick it on the apple before it's full grown on the tree, so that the 'character' does not expose to any sun light. Eventually it will become lighter in color and the rest of the apple will turn red like normal.
Yet, I guess this requires a lot of skills, time and technique to do it.
Plastic arowana decor! It looks so funny but honestly, I don't like its red eyes. This kind of fish is hard to keep and it's expensive too! Arowana keep their fries in their mouth during danger and release them once safe. Guess what, we nearly bought a cheap small silver arowana but too bad we already have enough tanks at home so we didn't buy it! =)
This decor comes in 4 words, in a string: 招財進寶. I have no time taking pics of the other 3 words so I just took a snap at this word: 寶! Feel so Chinese New Year huh!! LOL!!
Chinese lion dance puppet, I've seen these in red and white too.
OKay, buns time!! What does it look like??!! Panda!! Honestly, this thing is so easy to make!!
Pumpkin buns?! Look nice but sound gross...
This thing: flower steamed bun with date, I wonder what's inside....and how it taste like. Um...what's this thing for anyway??!
Here is another angle. This bun must be pretty hard to make huh??!
Chinese birthday buns, squeezed!
Guess what this thing is promoting! Peanut butter!! LOL!!
I took this shot while I was on my way home from work. It was a nice sunny day and I was sitting in the car waiting for the red light to turn green.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
最近出了一部型號為 '逃亡' 的新坐駕... 這部車並不是我的選擇... 牌子是老公挑選的,我只能在眾多的型號中挑選比較合我心水的高身車--'逃亡'。從落訂到出車總共等了差不多兩個月的時間!車行本身說可以在聖誕前出車,結果一拖再拖... 為什麼?!!別提了!提了讓我更火滾!總之,這間在 Kennedy / Hwy 7 的某車行,我建議有機會不要在那裏出車!吼~~
我沒有駕駛新車應有的那種喜悅(這真悲哀!)...已說過,這牌子不是我的選擇... 再說坦白點:我不喜歡這個牌子!更不喜歡渣自動波!!唯一感到安慰的是,車身顏色是我選的(如果連這個也不能作主這實在是悲哀得很!!)駕駛這部車讓我感到高興的是它有個超級無敵大擋風玻璃,視野廣闊一望無際,而且有高高在上的感覺。還有值得讚許的是它的 side mirror 安裝了盲點鏡(鏡中鏡),轉線不需轉頭望!哈哈~
好!又到彈劾時間喇!這部車我 so far 覺得有三大缺點,改善是不能改善的啦,因為我不是汽車製造商,而且我也不是專家,只能在這裏發表愚昧的個人意見:
- 起霧超快!!車開了約五分鐘窗已經開始起霧... 我是個不喜歡開風的人,以前所駕駛的所有車很少碰到這個問題,就算真的起霧,開少少窗走風等一下玻璃自然散霧。這部車,把窗都開了霧也不散,而我又不想開風... 真讓我頭痛!!
- 前碟後鼓,breaking distance 超長。在這個年代邊有人仲用前碟後鼓㗎??!!為什麼不能豪爽少少四邊煞車系統盡用 break 碟和 '鮑魚'??!實用又好看些... 煞車距離可能因此而比較長,breaking 沒有這麼 respondsive (可能這是我的錯覺?!)。
- 風油軚太風油,沒有咬地實在的感覺!開中速轉少少軚整部車已經感覺好像要'甩'出去一樣!(嚇死我!)正確來說,是'失控'吧?!'飄移' 跟這部 '逃亡' 扯不上關系... 我不想在結冰或下大雨的路面上因失控而滑到冇雷公咁遠... 呸呸呸!!這等事是不會發生的!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Toogood Pond Park, Markham (Winter)
My husband needs to go to a dealership today but I don't want to go with him, so I went to the nearby Toogood pond and take a walk. Walking under -20°C is not a fun thing... I was expecting myself walking 2 circles but I ended up only walked 1/4 circle... Freezing to death, I couldn't feel my nose or ears, and my camera nearly got malfunctioned! Just to write a blog and I treated myself like this...I must be going insane! ( ゚д゚)!
The pond is all cover with snow.
Ice is really thin and I didn't dare to step on it.
Here is another side of the pond.
A closer shot at the ice surface.
So cold.....
Yeah, let's go ice fishing!!
A closer shot at the rear end of the pond.
So silent and freezing cold!!
I wonder what kind of leafs these are....
Here is a closer shot of the dried leafs, all dried and dead....
This is some sort of dried seeds.
Does it look like I'm lost in the forest??!!
I like walking on this little bridge here, but only during summer time!
Can't believe it has those cracking noise when I step on the wood, as if it's gonna fall apart soon!
Freezing cold, my camera nearly got malfunctioned!
All weeds are dead and covered with snow...
Water is all freeze!!
Here is the other side of the stream
A closer shot at the freeze stream.
Cattail patch
Busted cattails.
It's freezing cold and I don't think I can continue walking anymore, it's time to go back!!
Another angle looking at the bridge.
Taking a photo at the freeze stream again.
Here is a closer shot at the surface.
I'm all alone in the park...
A closer shot at a tree bark.
Lonely paw print.
Let's go~~ Freeze to death!!
Ice is really thin and I didn't dare to step on it.
Here is another side of the pond.
A closer shot at the ice surface.
So cold.....
Yeah, let's go ice fishing!!
A closer shot at the rear end of the pond.
So silent and freezing cold!!
I wonder what kind of leafs these are....
Here is a closer shot of the dried leafs, all dried and dead....
This is some sort of dried seeds.
Does it look like I'm lost in the forest??!!
I like walking on this little bridge here, but only during summer time!
Can't believe it has those cracking noise when I step on the wood, as if it's gonna fall apart soon!
Freezing cold, my camera nearly got malfunctioned!
All weeds are dead and covered with snow...
Water is all freeze!!
Here is the other side of the stream
A closer shot at the freeze stream.
Cattail patch
Busted cattails.
It's freezing cold and I don't think I can continue walking anymore, it's time to go back!!
Another angle looking at the bridge.
Taking a photo at the freeze stream again.
Here is a closer shot at the surface.
I'm all alone in the park...
A closer shot at a tree bark.
Lonely paw print.
Let's go~~ Freeze to death!!
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