Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Strewn Winery, Niagara-on-the-Lake

這個酒莊位於 Niagara-on-the-Lake,照片去年跟什麼一日遊的到這裡來時拍的。博文寫了一半,還未有機會發貼整個網誌便被某君刪除了。今天二零一三年六月二十號,有幸在重溫及整理已被刪除的博文時發現此文章,於是再次把它貼到網誌上。我喜歡拍照,把拍了的照片放在網上與眾人分享,卻沒想到會因為這個興趣而招致'滅網之禍'!!但願這個網誌能夠永遠長存喔~~ 不多說了,看照片吧~

 I knew I was gonna visit a winery today, but I didn't know it's Strewn 'til we arrived!  =)

 This is the entrance to their building.

 Took a little wine tour, and I forgot what the narrator said about this machine...  Is this machine they use to um...wash the grapes?  Or press the juice out?!  Forgot...

 They use this machine to??  Forgot!!  XDD

 Wine fermenter.

 I must be dreaming while I took this picture!!  LOL!!

Wooden vats that's used in this wine cellar for vinification.

 Here is another shot.

 2008 cabernet merlot.  The barrel looks very new...

 This must be where they pack the wine.

 Here is another shot.

 This is where we taste their wine, and this lady here is preparing wine samples.

 Lots of wine glasses here, and this is not yet the end...

 We've tasted 4 different types of wine today.

Riesling-Gewurztaminer Semi-Dry 2011 TwoVines.  Note that I don't know anything about wine so I don't wanna make any comment here. 

2009 Rouge's Lot Cabernet Frac/Cabernet Sauvignon

 Icewine - 2009 Cabernet Select Late Harvest

 Award winning icewine - 2008 Vidal.  This dessert wine is extremely sweet, strong flavor...that's all I know.

 Here is their wine tasting room, and their price list.

 Look at the number of wine bottles they've opened in the tasting room~

 I moved on and came to their retail store.  I think this is the one we've tasted.

More wine here.

...And here too.

Rosé wine jelly & Chardonnay wine jelly.  I wonder how they taste like...

More winery products here.

Niagara icewine jelly...I wonder what people eat this with?!

 Cottage Block Sauvignon Blanc Riesling 2011

This is Strewn's cooking school.

Let's move to their vineyard.

I don't know what kind of grapes these are, I just know they're white grapes.

These ones are ripe, or at least it's getting there.
A closer shot.

Its beautiful~

Grape vine tendrils.

These grape vines are a lot taller than me!

Those tendrils are going no where, but they still try to reach out and grab 'something'.

I wonder if these grapes will get any bigger...or that's about it?!

Random shot at the vineyard.

Some people said these grapes are sour, but it depends on where you pick the grapes...

I picked a ripe one and tasted it when no one is around!  Its soooo sweet!!  Tasted exactly like the icewine except its not fermented.  Grape skin is super thick w/ 2 seeds in it!!  Interesting!

These grapes here still got a long way to go.

Its a fine nice day today!

Another shot at the tendrils.

More grapes here...

...And here too!

These tendrils are not easy to find honestly....

Other than vineyard and the main hall, this winery also has a beautiful garden. Taking random shots at the garden.
Rose?  Doesn't look like this is rose...

Leaving the winery now~~

We went to another place and passed by this vineyard, which I don't know where this place is....

A lot of vineyards along QEW got these sparkling holographic bird scare tape tied to the pole.

This vineyard produce red grapes.

Here is a closer shot at the grapes.

Here is another shot at the bird scare tape.

I wonder how these grapes taste you think they're sweet?!

....And what kinda grapes they are?!  Mm.....

Gripple, gripping the wire together??!

Must be an old vine tendril.

I didn't taste any grapes here in this vineyard....I should have tasted it huh?!

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