Thursday, August 30, 2012


這篇博文寫了我好幾天!近日很忙,除了每天上班外,回家後便與老公大人一起專心地看電視劇,能夠寫博文的時間不多。照片拍了三、四百張(雖然有點無聊),博文也有十多個未曾動手寫,也無法啦...唯有慢慢來。這個帖用了中文,跟著又用英文寫...因為不同時日寫的關係吧~! 哈哈~ 請見諒。開頭幾幅照片攝影於一間在 Brimley/Sheppard 的唐人魚舖內... 跟著的照片是在 Big Al's 拍的。=)

 I took this picture from a Chinese local fish store~  Must be a 金龍 and a bumble bee 鯪魚!!(I always call that 鯪魚!)  Note: 拍此照一定不能從魚缸的正面拍噢!!在側面拍會比較好~~  ^o^/

Must be some sort of 銀龍魚苗。條條都很生猛而且健康!


整個魚缸都用這個電子溫度計來 set 溫!!第一次見~~ 真高級!!



七彩神仙魚吧~! 我是到最近才知道這種魚的中文名叫七彩神仙!!都是英文名 discus 比較切合,成個鐵餅一樣!=D

Ram cichlid 和三間鼠。有沒有見過三間鼠瞓覺?!又係攤喺道好似條鹹魚咁嘅!!

Red cap oranda - 這個只知道英文名...



Can't believe they have rabbits in the fish store!!  ...and hamsters too I think!

OKay, I've moved on to Big Al's starting from here!

I used to have something like this at home, but I don't like it....

I can only recognize fantail oranda here...

Either I keep the Koi or Goldfish, there is no 'in between (cross breed??!)'...

Here is a closer shot of those 'cross breed'....

Lionhead pearlscale?!  I've kept the regular pearlscale before and they're hard to keep.  They look cute when they're small....but not when they're full grown...

...He must be day dreaming in the tank!!  It wasn't moving at all!

Rainbow and loach.

Wait and see, my Parkinsoni rainbow will reach this size one day!!  =)

Yoyo got so many 親戚s!!!

Albino peacock cichlid?!  Not sure, I just made up the name myself!!  LOL!!

Some sort of African Peacock Cichlid.

Some sort of pleco?  I don't know the exact name for it but I think this is cute!

Here is a closer shot at that fellow.

Wa......assorted discus, so pretty!  I wish I can have a tank of this at home!  =D

I was trying to get their attention for easy photo shoot!

Red Oscar

Can hardly see the cherry shrimps here...

Trinidad pleco....they were on sale during the week I went there, $2 each and I got two.  =)

Live brine shrimp.  What happen if I put my puffers inside this tank??!  Really wanna see what happen....

Big Al's plant tank

Coral, that's all I know.

'Stealth' 似唔似?!哈哈~

這種魚的樣子似加了藍色的 eye shadow~

Guess what this is?!  不像海參又不像珊瑚...牠會動的!!

這種不知是什麼的什麼...本身好像已經有種螢光的 pigment?!



What's 'purple people eater'??!!



有沒有想過 gerbil 的竇是怎麼樣的?!牠這個老家十年如一,真想知道牠去那裏如廁!


老公大人喜歡這種顏色的 hamster,我自己就喜歡黑掹掹污捽捽的,貪佢夠另類!

好似呢隻咁,幾 cute~  =D



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