Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crystallized Ginger 糖薑片

Crystallized ginger may look hard to make but its not, all you need is ginger and sugar that's it.  Other than ginger, I think we can use the same method in making other snacks, like mango dry perhaps?!  It's recommend that you eat this ginger snacks during winter time rather than summer time...  Reason being is, um...I forgot!  ...I guess I should release this post in winter huh?!  =)  (7月25日:這個博文大概在本月頭寫好,遲遲未帖。幾天前答應了母親大人今週內一定要帖,最終選擇了今天!哈!糖薑片用糖太多,所以多吃對身體無益(我估),但偶爾吃吃倒能提神醒胃。)

All you need: ginger & white sugar (or brown sugar).

My mom bought 3 big bags of ginger just to make this snack.

Step 1: peel.

All done.

Step 2: cut ginger into pieces.

Note:  all ginger piece should be around 2mm~3mm thick, don't cut them too thin.

All done.

Step 3: boil.

Boil until all ginger pieces are soft, really soft.

It probably takes 15-20 minutes, or maybe longer.

Color of the water has changed, and all ginger pieces are soft now.

Step 4: drain.

Mom said you can keep the ginger water for something else, this water is very nutritious.

Step 5: transfer all ginger pieces into a saucepan, add sugar in.  Ratio:  1:1.  Say if you have 20g ginger pieces, then you will need to use 20g sugar.

Keep stiring sugar & ginger together using high heat 'til all liquid evaporates.

After about 2-3 minutes, sugar starts melting as you can see.

Keep going.

Liquid starts boiling now, just keep on stir frying to avoid burnt.  You don't need to switch it to medium/low heat, just remain boiling at high heat.

About 10 minutes later, more liquid has been evaporated and ginger pieces are starting to become transparent.

You will see foamy bubbles started to form as more liquid are being evaporated, but keep on going at high heat.

Once most liquid is gone and you see this is getting dry, switch off the heat and keep stir frying these ginger pieces.

Sugar will become crystallized as the heat drops, but this is not yet done, you need to keep stir frying.

Keep going for another 2-3 minutes 'til sugar is completely crystallized, like this.

Transfer ginger pieces to a cookie pan for cooling....

....And of course, you need to spread them out first, like this.

Done!  =)

This batch here is made from brown sugar.


  1. Thanks for recipe, will give it a try.

  2. 多謝伯母大人食譜,驟看還以為是蝦片或是雞片,原來是糖薑片。間中都喜歡食,但食得不多,相信不會自做,三大袋薑相信不會全是自用吧,做伯母大人的朋友真好。=D

    1. 不用客氣!頭頭尾尾我總共做了十袋薑,留了少少給自己,其餘全部送了出去。

