Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Big Al's Aquarium, Scarborough & North York

Taking pictures at Big Al's has become my habit whenever I go visit the fish store!! =D  Yet, this can be a huge challenge to me!  First I need to find a quiet place to do it because I don't know if photo shoot is allowed in the store; second I have to do it fast as I'm afraid someone will walk up to me and tell me no photo shoots is allowed...  Worse part is, these fish don't stay in one spot!!  Some get scared when I walk close and the other get so hyper and swim around, so it's hard to focus!!  Everything taken here are by luck!!  =P  (七月四號:美國國慶,提早個半鐘發此博文。此博文早在四月尾經已寫完,只是沒有檔期發帖。今天就出這個吧!)

 Um....  Er....I think that red shrimp is crawling on the um....sea cucumber??!

 Pajama Cardinalfish, this fish looks so 'unique' especially with that 'crooked dorsal fin'...whatever that's called!

 This fish stayed at the bottom of the tank, motionless...I took the chance to snap it.

 Too bad this hermit crab is not facing me.  It's actually facing the current.  Just realize that there is a limpet stuck on that hermit crab's shell!!  No wonder it looks so awkward!

 Nice color!!  =D

 I wonder if these are real corals or fake ones....

 ?? Peacock Cichlid, that's all I know...  I like its color.  =)  **Jul 3: Strawberry Cichlid?!  By guess only!

 Royal Pleco Cat, that's huge!!  I like the small ones only...

 Juvenile Tiger Barbs, I wonder if it's easy to breed or not...

 Some sort of botia loach I guess...must be Yoyo's relative!!  LOL!!

 Galaxy and Red Coral platy?!  (Not too sure if that's red coral or sunburst or something else...)

 Assorted tuxedo platies.

 Um...cichlid!!  But I don't know what kinda cichlid this is...

 Striata Botia Loach (??) & Pearl Gourami - I will get you one day!!

 Jaguar Cichlid - this fish is huge and pretty!!  The other one in the tank doesn't look as stunning as this one.  Cost $69 or something in Scarb, if it's still there!  Two guys were thinking of buying this fish while I was there...

 Playing hide and seek again huh!!

 Spotted pleco?!

 Huge pleco cat, I don't know what kind of pleco this is....but it looks horrible!  This must be a female...I guess!

 This impeller pump (if this is how its called!) looks so cool!!  Moss is growing on top of it, and there is an amano shrimp dangling at the edge of the pump!

 Brazilian turtles, I used to have three when I was young!

 Gerbil, hiding inside his own little tunnel.

 Ferret, wonder what I'm doing here....

Pissed off Godzilla....

This parrot knows about 300 words, and it's one of the smartest parrot known...  That's what the sales associate told me.

One of Mom's little Yoyo.  =)   **Jul 3, this little yoyo was dead long time ago....


  1. Thanks, browsing your blog while waiting to board.

    1. LOL!! I figured!! Have a safe trip!

    2. have a fun trip haha


    3. MJ 去邊度玩呢?

    4. Dan哥,咁怏掛住我?記住幫手睇住拾捌砵個塲咪俾人踩塲。LOL

    5. MJ 你唔駛驚, 你可以遙控啫, 人地見你個名仲喺度都唔敢亂嚟啦.

  2. I always go to Kennedy one only now (mostly cause of a lot more choices), sometimes STC PJ, although I am few minutes away from the NY store, I had a horrible experience with one of the seniors, and he is quit "inch", however most of them are decent, but since I dislike seeing him, so i rarely go NY store now lol


    1. LOL! There is a nice Viet guy (I think) at the NY location and he usually pick me nice fish, so whenever I go there, I only ask for him~ =D
