Monday, June 25, 2012

Sony DSC-N1 Vs. Fujifilm F70 EXR

My boss has this Fujifilm F70 EXR camera in the office and she wanted me to keep it for now....  Sure~  I took it home during the weekend and played around w/ it.  I tried to compare pics taken from this Fujifilm w/ my Sony camera and my pics are below.  There are definitely pros and cons about Fujifilm, good thing is that it has more mega pixels, 10x super fast zoom.  What I don't like about this camera is the picture color!!  Photo quality (color) is the most important thing I look at when considering a camera, this one fails....  Scenic pics are still acceptable, food pics?!  No no!!  Or maybe its me who doesn't know how to set the color contrast and stuff??! 

  Sony DSC-N1 - This is my camera, I've been using this for over 6 years.  I bring it with me all the time when I go out.

Fujifilm F70 EXR - My lady boss Barb asked me to keep this camera for now, so I took it home and play with it!!  =D

 Sony DSC-N1 - I might have stood too close to the sign while taking the picture....

  Fujifilm F70 EXR - This picture taken by my husband, looks better though.

  Sony DSC-N1 - This picture looks a bit too dark?!  Color blue (the sky) looks better than the pic below.

   Fujifilm F70 EXR - same 16:9 but the shot is wider??!

  Sony DSC-N1 - Which one is better?  This one or the one below?

   Fujifilm F70 EXR - See, this shot seems 'wider'....

  Sony DSC-N1 - Birds.

  Fujifilm F70 EXR - Same group of birds.

  Sony DSC-N1 - Macro.  I can easily get this shot once I place my camera on the wood.  I like this color better.  =)

  Fujifilm F70 EXR - I have to put the camera on the wood and get REALLY REALLY close to get this shot.  

  Sony DSC-N1 -  those 'nuts' are a bit blurry in this picture.

  Fujifilm F70 EXR - those 'nuts' are more clear but I need to place my camera really close to the object to shoot this picture.

  Sony DSC-N1 - What do you think about this picture now?  Color green seems pretty 'yellowish' here...

  Fujifilm F70 EXR - I think the color in this picture looks better than the one above.

  Sony DSC-N1 - These two pictures look very identical....

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - Isn't it??!  Pass!

  Sony DSC-N1 - One if my plant that's still alive at home!

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - ...You know why it's still alive??!  That's because my Mom just gave me this plant a week ago!!  LOL!!  

  Sony DSC-N1 - These are my precious charm stones!  LOL!!  Doesn't it looks like they're from another planet?!  =D

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - Looks like the picture from this camera is more clear than the one above.

  Sony DSC-N1 - Well, this is just a pitted rock after all...

Fujifilm F70 EXR - ....But still, that's my charm stone~  =D

 Sony DSC-N1 - Color is more yellowish and rich.

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - Color is more pale but acceptable.

 Sony DSC-N1 - .....

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - .....!!

 Sony DSC-N1 - Background color is more yellowish here.

 Fujifilm F70 EXR - while this one the background color is more bright.

 Sony DSC-N1 - Color red is more vivid here...

Fujifilm F70 EXR - Color red is dull here and overall the image is darker?!

More picture from Sony DSC-N1
 Turtles!!  Can't believe there are lots of turtles in the pond!!  =D

 Here is a closer shot at turtle.  All turtles in this pond look the same...

Birds swimming towards me...they thought I have food  for them~

There are both adult and juvenile geese here.
 Juvenile Canada goose, about 3 ~ 4 months old.  See how skinny it is!!

 Adult full grown Canada goose, see the difference?!

 More pictures from Fujifilm F70 EXR
This Fujifilm camera can zoom a lot closer than my Sony one, but it zoom so fast that sometimes it 'over zoomed'...

These birds left once they know you don't have food for them!  That's very nice of them!!

@#!&$*#% - My mind is so blank now and I don't know what to put here...

Juveniles, they are easy to tell, just look at their neck and you will see their feather is different from the adults.

Old muddy turtle....  Eww....

My husband took another shot at this wood here, it will be cool if he does it in black and white I think.

Shooting directing at the sun, that's interesting.

Oakbank pond, this pond is located between Bathurst St. & Yonge St. on Centre St., this pond I'm telling you, is not fun at all...

Ducks... Water ducks?!!  LOL!

**Will see if I have time to do the Fujifilm food pic post and release it here tomorrow.


  1. 拾捌砵樹大招風,無謂為呢啲無品、無聊嘅人而唔開心。相信留言是來自 Urbansoaoon 的過客,但見不到留言在那裡。


    PS. 今早 Blood Fin Tetra 和 Serpae Tetra 又在散春,魚春又是眼白白看著變成魚糧。:'(

  2. 就咁睇好難比較, 因為妳同時影兩張相嘅 focus 都唔同, 一張 focus 到; 另一張又 off-focus, 一張背光; 另一張又唔係.

    Color tone 好難作比較, 因為個人口味唔好同.

    但無可否認, Fuji 機比較新, 乜嘢都勁少少, 快門可以快啲, 慢又慢啲, 感光 ISO 又高啲, focal length 又闊啲, 問題係妳用唔用得著. 有一樣嘢呢部 Fuji 機優勝嘅就係有 aperture priority, 即是話可以自己調較光圈, 咁影人像相 (人清背景矇) 就可以做得到.

    講 meg 數, 一部10meg, 一部8meg, 都係差唔多, 我用緊嘅仍然係6meg機, 唔係用嚟曬 poster; 基本上冇分別.

    1. 有樣嘢漏咗, 响光線唔夠之下, 妳部Sony機可以早啲抖.

      可以咁講, 响極度環境之下, 呢部 Fuji 比 Sony 好, 响正常環境之下就冇大分別.

  3. "To Each His Own" 各有各好!


  4. OK ! These stones were from Planet Earth ! =D

  5. 網上閒人多, 不足介懷. 粗口我唔介意睇, 但有歧視成份的發表應即時掉落垃圾桶, 不可助長歪風. 妳已登出其中不帶歧視之批評, 足已見妳胸襟廣闊.
