Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12 (Saturday) - Snap & Go

Came home from work yesterday, had my dinner and went out for a walk with my husband after that.  It was nice and breezy outside, we were stopping by different places as we go along, and our  'walk' took us a little over 2 hours!!  Bringing my camera with me, I snap as I walked.  Instead of using the regular 4:3 mode, I've used 16:9 mode for all pictures taken here. 

 My dinner for the night, stir fried chicken with bell pepper and onion from 廣東小炒。Lots of rice with only a little chicken or bell pepper pieces to go with....

 I've zoomed all the way in....look at those two dark dots!!!  Can't get rid of them, and it's almost time for me to get a new camera...

 I went to a garden center nearly, testing my 16:9 mode, snap and go.

 This plant was hanging from the ceiling, I took my camera, pointed to the sky (plant) and snapped.

 Wind was blowing like crazy, I can't get it stable....

 I don't know what kind of flower it is, I was just purely playing w/ my camera.

 Pansies, one of the most common flower that can be found in all garden centers.

 I went to Loblaw afterwards....

 Customize your slice~  =D

 Monster nitrous, some sort of energy drink.  I've never tried any energy drink except Red Bull.  Tasted one sip, that's it!!  No more for me!!

 Mio, liquid water enhancer...  Sounds weird...  I will never try this either!!

 Guess what this is!!  Gummy bears~~  LOL!!

 Doritos!!  Mmmmm.......

 Strawberry short cake and apple pie flavored chewing gum.  I've tried once, not bad.

 Assorted chocolates.

Unique shaped pasta type 1.  PS, I love eating pasta!!  =D

 Unique shaped pasta type 2.

 Unique shaped pasta type 3.

 Unique shaped pasta type 4.

 Loblaws fruit section.

 Heehee...playing with my camera again.

 Flower, don't me what kind of flower they are!

 This type of flower again, in pink...

 This color is in green, sort of.

 Taking pictures of flower is a good way to practise my camera shooting skill I think...

 Getting bored huh?!

 OKay, this is the last one of this kind!!

 ?  Don't know what kinda flower this is...

 This type of 'chrysanthemum' is blue in color, they must have dyed the flower.

 Purple mums

 Pink roses.

 My mom used to grow this kind of flower at home.

 Mums again??!

 Forgot the name of this plant, but my Mom used to keep this kind of flower too.

 A bud 'guarded' by 'propeller'.

 ? I think we have something like this too in HK??!

 8:38pm, getting dark and its time to go home.

 8:45pm.  ....I think I must have focused on the wrong spot here...

Came home and saw my Yoyo sleeping like this...

 8:48pm, the sun is gone!!

 9:39pm, there were still a little 'day light' outside, and I snapped this shot and see what I can get from my camera.  Well. I got 2 stars here at least, not too bad!!  LOL!!

 9:41pm, using the 'twilight' mode here which makes thing worse!

 9:42pm, last shot of the day!  That's all I can do!  =D


  1. "Thank you God for a lovely day".

    Good night and have a sweet dream.


  2. 8:45pm. ....I think I must have focused on the wrong spot here...

    呢張相係 classic example of 傻瓜機失誤, 部機嘅自動對焦攞錯焦, 而妳影相時冇留意到部機部機對焦對咗後面嘅影像, 因為同一方向有兩個可對焦點, 傻瓜機無辦法知道妳究竟想影邊度.
